Dimple on breast

Hi guys,

This is my first post. I have an appointment for the breast clinic on 26/09 as I have found a dimple on my right breast. Along with the dimple there seems to be a visible vein which also dimples inwards when I raise my arm. I am 34 years old and I am really nervous. I have also been experiencing pain in the right breast, as well as tenderness.

Has anyone experienced anything similar? I have been calling the clinic every day to see if they have any cancellations but nothing as of yet. I'm trying not to panic too much but I am very aware of my body and this is definitely new.

  • Hello Hollsdolls10 and welcome to the Cancer Chat forum.

    I'm sorry to hear about the dimple you've found on your breast and for the worry this, and the other symptoms you've been experiencing, are causing.

    So many of our members have been in a similar position and know all too well how scary and stressful this time can be, so you are not alone HollsDolls10, and I'm sure it won't be long until some of them stop by to share their experiences and advice.

    I'm not sure from your post if you have been referred to a breast clinic before, but if not, then I hope this information I've found on what happens at a breast clinic appointment will help.

    If you'd like to talk any of this through with one of our cancer nurses, they're available on 0808 800 4040, Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m. They're very easy to talk to and will do all they can to support you and address any other worries or concerns you may have at this time.

    We're thinking of you HollsDolls10 and wishing you all the best with your appointment on the 26th.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hello

    I'm sorry you have found a dimple on your breast which is causing you anxiety but you have done the right thing by letting your health care professionals know. Waiting for appointments and outcomes of tests is horrible, so I understand exactly how you are feeling.

    I was diagnosed with bc just over a month ago. I had no symptoms at all and it was picked up on my first ever routine mammogram.

    In the area where I live, the breast Clinic has a "one-stop shop" where they do all necessary tests in one appointment. This is quite scary and a bit overwhelming but at least it is all over in one go.

    You will be asked to take the top half of your clothing off and change into a gown. First of all you will have a mammogram. This is usually a more in-depth mammogram than the standard one but it feels exactly the same. The radiographer will look at the results there and then and if there are areas of concern, the radiographer will do an ultrasound of that area. This is painless but a little uncomfortable as you have to have your arm lying above your head for a little while. If the radiographer finds something suspicious on the ultrasound, they may do a biopsy there and then. You will have a local anaesthetic and then the radiographer will insert a fine needle into the area. I kept my eyes closed at this point! You don't feel any pain. When they take a tiny sample, there is a loudish noise which sounds like a stapler or hole punch. It's a bit freaky but is not painful. My radiographer then inserted a small metal clip into the mass which will help them find the area again, if needs be. 

    Once that is all completed I was then able to get dressed. I was then sat with a breast care nurse who was able to answer any questions I had or just to be there for emotional support. My follow-up appointment was given to me there an then and I was able to leave.

    I hope this helps you prepare for the breast Clinic appointment. Please try not to worry but I know how difficult that is. I am currently freaking out about an upcoming CT scan to check if it has spread and my anxiety is off the scale.

    Good luck and fingers crossed it is nothing serious.

    Big hugs to you.
