Uterus lining 18mm worried

Hi I am 32F have regular periods no abnormal bleeding trying to concieve with hubby for 1 year now. Went for a routine pelvic ultrasound day 12 of cycle and noted to have thickened uterine lining they did mention some changes also in keeping with potential polyps. I'm just getting very worried now about potential womb cancer and this thickened lining. Anyone please can help offer some words of wisdom? Trying to stay positive. Have been referred to gynae likely will have hysteroscopy and biopsy...

  • Hello Flowergirl7

    I'm sorry to hear that following some routine investigations you've now been referred for a hysteroscopy and biopsy. It's understandable that you're feeling anxious about things. 

    Hopefully, you won't have to wait too long for your appointment but in the meantime, you might find it helpful to talk things through with one of our nurses. I'm sure they can offer some advice and information that will give you some reassurance while you're waiting. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    Try to keep busy and remain positive if you can. Hopefully, you will have some news soon. 

    Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thank you my appointment is on 28th September just need to patiently wait and stay positive until then

  • Hello, just come across your post while searching as I am in the same position! How was your appointment today if you have had it? Hope all went ok! Did they give you any further advice or reassure you? I am petrified and currently awaiting a call for my test. 

  • Hi sweetie, yes appointment went well today thanks biopsy hurt abit she said looking at everything looked normal to her and sometimes when uss taken mid cycle this along with sonographer interpretation this is not always reliable. I am not having any symptoms which is reassuring. Biopsy results should take about 2 weeks just staying positive :) what was lining if you don't mind me asking and what day of cycle? Sending positive wishes x

  • Hey, so pleased your test went well! Did you have any pain relief or sedation? I have done the worse thing and googled and found petitions and bbc news articles of how women are describing it as medieval torture so feeling really nervous! I was told the lining of my womb was thicker and they aren’t sure if I had a polyop or something however mine was done just as my period was finishing the sonograper said it could be left over blood or a clot which will work its way down. I had tests done as tried to conceive for just over a year and nothing was picked up from internal scans during the tests however didn’t have a hysterscopy as part of those tests assuming as everything looked ok other than having PCOS I actually fell / found out I was pregnant 10 days later and nothing was picked up on my pregnancy scans either my son is 11 months old so keep thinking surely something will come old of been picked up on those scans! Debating getting a second opinion and having a private scan as I’m so nervous about the Hysterscopy xx

  • Aw you will be ok with the hysteroscopy! I took ibuprofen and paracetamol 1 hour before the procedure. I mainly just had a cramp that latest for about 10 seconds when they took biopsy they did offer me gas and air if I wanted during that but I declined. Yes the uss can be unclear and the hysteroscopy is direct visulisation of the cavity and they can see if any polps and how the womb lining is looking also. If you can do it I'd go with the hysteroscopy :) good luck x

  • Just wanted to update incase it helps anyone biopsy was all clear phew. Hysteroscopy didn't show any polps either. I think best advice i can give it to try stay positive and not put too much emphasis on the ultrasound and wait for the camera test.