CT scan results

Hi all,

Please can I ask how you received your CT scan results if the news was good and the scan was clear?

Did you receive a letter confirming that all was well or did you still have to attend a follow up appointment with a consultant or referring practitioner?

Thank you x

  • Hi I had a phone call from the oncologist/specialist nurses BUT I did chase them up by phone/email. Other times it was on arrival at my follow up appointments. 

  • Hi Weeney-beeney,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    How we get our results, varies from hospital to hospital. I have had 2 bouts of breast cancer, in the past 14 years and have had several CT scans. In most cases, I have been given results - both good and bad, in person, by my consultant, but I have also received some by mail and over the telephone. How we get our results, depends upon the protocols for this throughout different hospitals. Some hospitals are also busier and cannot see all of their patients in person, to deliver their results. Outcomes, both favourable and unfavourable, have been given by all three methods, but most consultants prefer to deliver the news personally, if they can.

    Are you currently waiting for clarification? If so, I do hope that you hear something soon and that it turns out to be good news. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx