Awaiting biopsy results

Hi,  I am very nervous after a mamogram 2 weeks ago, then called to hospital and had another mamogram which is layers , then ultra sound scan , then biopsy all on Tuesday.  I didn't feel a lump, but I did have a large amount of dimpling under my breast.  I have my follow-up and biopsy results with surgeon Friday 13th.  The lady who did my biopsy said I'm sorry to say you have breast cancer.  Does she know by looking at it?.   I didn't have any questions as the rug was just pulled from under me.  I am struggling in the mornings.  I am awake at 4am, then the tears flow.  I am feeling pretty messed up with my thoughts and not sure what could help with this until my appointment next week. 

Any help please

Thank you x

  • Hello Jovie,

    So sorry you find yourself here. I can only speak to my experience; I found a lump in April and went to the urgent referral clinic where I had the same as you, mammogram, ultrasound and biopsies. The radiographer doing the ultrasound told me that it was treatable, which basically told me she thought it was cancer. I was taken to the consultant afterwards. He told me that whilst they couldn't say for certain without the biopsy results, they were pretty sure I had breast cancer. In my case, they were right. 

    I think these days testing and imaging is so sophisticated that the professionals are pretty adept at identifying what the problem is. It is insane to tell you not to worry as it's impossible, but do try to avoid reading the Internet and googling - I know knowledge is power but at this stage it just fuels anxiety. In the meantime, you could call the breast nurses or your GP to see if they can offer you any support whilst you wait for your appointment? The breast nurses have been a tremendous support to me.

    Best of luck and hope all goes well on 13th xx

  • Offline in reply to SharLou

    Thank you for your speedy reply.  I will contact my GP next week.  I am so lucky to have a lovely GP.  They did say don't Google which I haven't and won't as I don't think that will be good for me, being very anxious.  I'm sure being told it's treatable was still nerve wreaking.  I was just told I have breast cancer, and no other info from the doctor that done  the ultrasound .  I was taken to a little room, offered a cup of tea and then told.  Also told by the nurse that the surgeon will need to speak with my other consultants that I am currently seeing for my A-fib, spondyloarthritis, fatty liver, sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes to discuss my care plan and make sure I am well enough for surgery. 

    What a rollacoaster this is.   I am thankful for this forum xx

  • Offline in reply to Jovie

    Oh you poor thing, that is a lot to navigate. In my experience the breast surgeon & team have been fantastic in factoring in other conditions - I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and they have accounted for that every step of the way. 

    It is great that you have a good GP. Some women have been given things like diazepam to help with the anxiety of waiting - I think all of us here would say that the waiting for answers/information/treatment plan is the worst part of the process. Sometimes just talking is enough, but do whatever works for you - there's no right or wrong way to get you through the wait. 

    This forum has been such a support! Everyone is so kind. I'm so glad I found it too xx

  • Offline in reply to SharLou

    Thank you SharLou.  I am sorry to hear you have EDS.  I thank you for your reassurance of them factoring in other illnesses.  Xx