Chest X ray done last week Wednesday. GP has put in a telephone appointment for 30th of September for a review meeting. Scared.

Hi kind people,

I had some lingering cough that showed up when I laughed, or did anything physically strenuous. No mucus, no weighloss nor loss of apetite. Got a GP appointment and the doc immediately referred me to an xray the very same day. This was last week Wednesday. The GP didn't tell me what would be the next steps. I now saw on my NHS app , a telephone appointment has been booked for 30th of September with another GP. I called the surgery and they couldn't give me more details. They say it days on my chart its a review meeting via phone. I am now very anxious and couldn't sleep at all. Its a long wait untill the 30th. If it was something sinister, I hope they would call me immediately and not wait for 4 weeks or so. Or does it mean its an approproximate date since they themselves haven't received the report yet. I am panicking and overthinking. What were your personal experiences? Can someone shed some light? 

  • Hi, I would imagine that is a provisional date booked in for your review.  If  you only had the xray done on Wed, they probably dont have the results yet.  I am sure that if anything worrying is shown, they will be contacting you before that.

    A few months ago, my doctor referred me for an ultrasound, something was found on there and my doctors surgery rang me 3 working days later, wanting to see me that morning.

    It is hard not to worry, but try to keep your mind on other things and keep yourself busy.

    I have also been investigated in the past for persistent cough, once turned out to be allergy to fungal spores and once was due to acid reflux.  So there are plenty of non-serious stuff that it could be.

    Good luck

  • Thank you very much. The overthinking and worrying is too much.  I will try and remain calm. The cough has subsided significantly now and nearly stopped. So hopefully nothing serious. Hope nothing serious came out of your ultrasound. 

  • And also I find that when I am stressed, that also triggers my cough!  Vicious circle really.

    My ultra sound found a large tumour on my liver which I have had surgery to remove it a month ago, now just waiting to find out if it was malignant or benign.  So trying to follow my own advice about keeping busy and trying not to think about it! :-)

  • Awwww. Good-luck to you too. Since this happened and the wait, Every other worry I had in life seems like nothing.  Fingers crossed we come out of this unscathed.

  • Hi on your NHS app is there anywhere it says normal or abnormal after I had my xray results which arrived 2 days later it said normal but I also had another result which said abnormal so if you can find something like that it might give you an idea .

  • Yes, a cancer scare certainly makes you look at life differently.

    Regardless of the results of mine, I count myself very lucky that it was found, I had no symptoms at all, fit and healthy.  Found due to one liver enzyme being slightly high on a routine blood test.  Within approx 2 months I had had ultrasound, ct scan, mri scan and had liver resection to remove tumour and part of my liver.  So by my thinking, even if it turns out to be cancer, it could have been so very much worse if it hadnt been found!

    Hopefully yours turns out to be nothing to worry about.

  • I have been checking and I cant find my result anywhere. I will give a call to the GP surgery mid nextweek and chase. Thank you.

  • Wow thats so so fortunate. And impressive in 2 months you had all the tests and surgery. All the best. Thank you for sharing your experience. 

  • Yes I would, if they know then rather than keep you guessing until the 30th they might just let you know ,it would be better that stressing for a month .

  • Thank you very much. I called the surgery and asked about my results. They read out to me the doctors notes and it mentioned about received antibiotics and a follow up xray after 6 weeks. Then I received a text message from the GP mentioning this :

    Dear ....

    You have a new antibiotic prescription to collect from your usual pharmacy to use if your cough is not yet better. I have requested a repeat chest xray for you in 6 weeks, as advised by the xray report. Please book a face to face GP appointment if worse/unwell. Thank you.

    Kind Regards, Dr ..... Surgery

    Still I am not sure what my xray is advising and should I take antibiotics if I dont have the bad cough anymore. Called GP surgery again and the next appointment they have is the 10th of October:(

    All i want is to know what the radiologist has told to my GP regarding my report, so I can have some peace of mind.Need a request sent confirmation email.