Letter from Macmillan offering support - before pathology of tumour has been received!

I am trying not to be paranoid, however today I received a letter from my  local Macmillan Support Centre, telling me that they have made an appointment for me to join a virtual support meeting for 'recently diagnosed patients'.  Now that would be great, but I havent been diagnosed with cancer............. yet!

The back story is that at the end of May an ultrasound was done of my liver as I had a slightly raised ALP liver enzyme.  It found a large tumour (11cm x 6cm), fast tracked to ct scan and mri scan, doctors still couldnt tell whether its benign or malignant, due to the size of it they decided to go straight to surgery without biopsy, as the position was close to my main blood feed into my liver.

My liver resection was carried out 4 weeks ago, tumour and wedge of liver was removed and I am waiting for my follow-up consultation to find out whether it was benign or cancer.

All along, rightly or wrongly I have remained confident that it would come back as benign, as primary liver cancer is mainly found with people that have long term liver disease, which I dont have, the scans gave no indication of cancer anywhere else, so hopefully not secondary either.  All of my bloods including ones for liver markers came back clear.  I did however have long time usage of the contraceptive pill which can sometimes cause large, benign tumours.

I rang the support centre to ask why I have been sent a letter, when I have not been diagnosed, I was told that they are passed details of people that are referred under the 2 week pathway, she then started getting flustered on the phone.

I will naturally be chasing my specialist nurse tomorrow to see if the results are back, I was just wondering if anyone else has had Macmillian contact them this fast?

  • Hello annie123

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been through surgery for a growth that was found in your liver. I hope that you are recovering well from the surgery. 

    It's really unfortunate to hear that you've been left feeling upset and confused after receiving a letter earlier this week. I hope that you were able to speak with your specialist nurse to follow up on this and get some clarity on what is going on for you. 

    Do you have a date to meet with the team regarding your post-op results? Hopefully, you won't have to wait too long now for answers. 

    In the meantime, if it would help to talk anything through with one of our nurses you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    Let us know how you get on Annie. 

    Sending my best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator