Lobular breast cancer

I have just been diagnosed with lobular breast cancer in one breast, I wasn’t able to feel a lump and neither was the consultant … is this normal and does it mean rhat the cancer is small enough for a lumpectomy? I’m waiting for an MRI before a treatment plan is decided but I am so terrified 

  • Can anyone help please as I don’t know if I can do this 

  • Sorry to hear you are in this situation , try not to Google or get to carried away and  thinking the worse . I also had a tumour that you couldn’t feel in my right breast ,it was removed and I am well now .That was two years ago . Research and intervention has progressed so much . You will get through this ,it’s amazing how strong we can be . Try and stay occupied and have some positive thoughts .Good luck now and keep in touch xxx

  • Thank you lovely, I’m trying to keep busy but just had a call from hospital to say my urgent MRI is booked for Friday at 8am, pleased to hear you are doing well xx

  • Lobular doesn't necessarily always present as a lump, there are so many different breast cancers. Lobular tends to spread out rather than clumping giving you more of a thickening or dimpling. A lumpectomy could be on the cards but all depends on so many different factors. Please don't panic, and yes I know it's petrifying, I've been there. I speak to a lovely lady on here who had the same and she's just had a lumpectomy. She's had very good results. Once you have a treatment plan in place you'll relax a little. Nothing worse than not knowing. Best of luck to you x

  • Well had my MRI today and had a panic attack whilst they were scanning, it wasn’t just being claustrophobic it was the thought they might find something else, I’ve now got 2-3 weeks waiting time before I go back to find out results and treatment plan, I am so frightened and thinking the worst.

  • It's a very scary time and no wonder your anxiety got the better of you. Treatment is so much better now, I convinced myself I was dying and after a few months of treatment I'm pretty much done and feel a fraud. You have to take each day as it comes and you will get through this, I promise ! Its not a death sentence. Do you have Facebook? There's an extremely welcoming and helpful group on there. All sufferers and survivors and a wonderful bunch of women who will hold your hand every step of the way. It's called UK breast cancer support group- for sufferers and survivors. If you can, join, you'll get all the help you need on this journey x Nicky

  • Hi Hayley48, try not to worry, (easier said than done) until you have all of the facts and are able to make an informed decision. I was told Lobular cancer is slow growing, and it forms in sheets, so it is difficult to detect at an early stage, once it becomes invasive, it's likely to have been there for at least a year. Chemo is not usually prescribed as the cells lay dormant for years, so it's not affective.  Speak to your consultant/surgeon and do your research.  Mine had been growing for over a year (according to my consultant) My MRI detected an 11mm lobular breast cancer with an area of LCIS so I opted for a mastecomy, with immediate reconstruction, which meant I didn't need radiotherapy. Good luck with your surgery, I wish you well and a speedy recover xx