Really anxious about stomach cancer, please help

Hi everyone,

I am a 41 year old female and have serious worries about stomach cancer. I ah e health anxiety which is further fuelling my worries.

I have had gastro issues in and off for the last 10 years. Episodes of gastritis, hiatal hernia, bloating. Have taken PPIs on and off for years, but developed an intolerance and can no longer take them. Currently on Famotidine.

for the last 3 weeks I ah e had the following:

acid reflux/acid brash/sour taste

upper left quadrant pain near ribs

burning centre on stomach near breastbone.

symptoms worse 2 hours after eatinng


bloating/pressure in tummy 

meds aren’t working.

very windy burping and pumping a lot

I have tried to get in touch with GP, had a telephone appointment, but if I’m honest was complete uninterested. I’m still in pain and considering whether I should go to A&E.

just wanted to chat to anyone as I’m going out of my mind with worry 



  • Sorry to hear that you are having such a miserable time. I have been where you are, January of this year. Everything you have described, I was sick with worry, I lost nearly a stone in weight through anxiety, I was absolutely convinced I had stomach cancer. Visited A&E twice in agony. I was given omeprazole and famotidine but had no relief. GP then prescribed anti depressants and told me they would take the pain away ! I was so fed up I went private. Consultant was great reassured me that there was no serious disease but due to the weight loss I qualified to go on the NHS 2WW for a gastroscopy, but he said it was purely for therapeutic reasons. 10 days later camera down and all confirmed as normal. Biopsy was taken for coeliac which were also returned as normal. Consultant said it was a case of dyspepsia and due to my levels of anxiety it was something that would likely come and go throughout my lifetime, in short I need to manage anxiety better. It was a relief but also disheartening to feel like I was doing this to myself. No one wants anxiety ! The pain did ease up after a while but the taste in my mouth persisted for a few months. I had a food intolerance/sensitivity test done privately too that showed up dairy, wheat, banana, onion, chocolate and a few others. I cut a lot of things out for a month and gradually introduced them back in. I still have good days and bad days but I have an idea now what my triggers are. I hope you get to the bottom of it, my advice would be not to panic, at your age it's highly unlikely to be serious disease but you do need to find out what causing the discomfort. When you speak to GP request a coeliac blood test and then try a low fodmap diet. Don't cut anything out though until you've had the test.

  • Also ask for a H Pylori test. This can cause all the symptoms you are describing and is easily tested with antibiotics and ppi. 

  • Treated not tested sorry, time for bed ! 

  • Hi

    I also have experienced this and also thought the worst, that it must be stomach cancer.  I have been on PPI's for 15 years due to silent acid reflux.  Last year I developed a sore throat that just would not clear up and also a feeling like I had a lump in my throat, after a couple of months I went to the doctor, I was also tried on Famotidine for 8 weeks, which didnt help.  I was finally referred for an endoscopy and had 2 biopsies taken from a polyp in  my stomach and my throat, I felt sure that it would come back as cancer.  Luckily it did not, it was purely my acid reflux that was causing the problems.  The doctor that did the endoscopy told me a few hints to help which I did and my symptoms calmed down, but I think alot of it was the reassurance that I finally knew that I definately didnt have cancer, I finally relaxed.

    Like the previous person posted, I discovered what my main triggers were, alcohol, chocolate, high fat foods and stopped having them.  I have 6 regular very small meals instead of 3 large ones, I dont eat anything after 8pm (usually go to bed at 10pm), and I sleep on my left side which makes it more difficult for acid to come up into my throat when I sleep.

    If the Famotidine doesnt work, I would explain to the doctor how worried you are and ask to be referred for an endoscopy.  Due to your health anxiety, you probably wont relax until you have proof that its nothing sinister.

    I really hope that you get some answers and reassurance soon.

    Best wishes


  • Hi,

    thanks for your reply. I’m so anxious, I ah e got myself so worked up tonight, I ah e took myself to bed in tears, but now frantically googling.

    the pain has been so bad today, under my ribs, at my waist and back under last rib. I’ve barely eaten as scared too. I just don’t know what to do

  • Hi,

    thanks for the reply, I’m just so anxious it’s taking over my life. Today has been a bad day. 

  • It's a really awful feeling. I understand what you are going through. If you feel you can't wait for a GP appointment and you are in so much pain, go to A&E. Not everyone agrees with this as it's always so busy but if your mental health is so badly affected to the point you aren't eating then you need to see a doctor, you are absolutely entitled to seek advice and pain relief. Speak to the people who can run tests and treat/reassure you. Don't feel bad for going.

    Your anxiety needs attention aswell, speaking from experience it really will help if you can calm the worrying thoughts. Your stomach muscles will be all tense and you will be constantly focusing on the pain and sensations. 

    I would be pushing for a H pylori test but you need to come off the ppi's for 2 weeks for that, not sure if it's the same with famotidine.

    Read up on functional dyspepsia too. Stay in touch, it will get better x