Breast screening call back for further tests

Hi, today I received a letter for a call back for further testing following my routine mammogram.

I called the breast care nurse number on the letter and the nurse said there is something on the “right breast central” that they want to take a closer look at. 

my appointment was 3rd Sep but I’m on holiday from 1st so I’ve got an appointment on the 9th instead (day after I get back from holiday).

im totally freaking out. I last had a mammogram apr23 when I had breast pain/lump and it was fine so I’m trying to get some comfort from that.

the nurse said if it is cancer it is very early and very small and treatable. I don’t think this has made me feel better tbh as I’m reading into it that she can tell I don have cancer, 

sorry for rambling, I’m not sure why I’m posting just need to get it out there, as don’t want to burden my family and ruin the family holiday. 
thanks x

  • Hello Sam2606

    I'm sorry to hear that you've recently been recalled after a routine mammogram. We know that lots of women can find this experience really concerning and it's understandable that you're feeling anxious. 

    It sounds like the breast care nurse was trying to give you some reassurance but we know that this period of waiting and uncertainty can be really difficult and it's natural that sometimes we will think about worst-case scenarios. Try to keep in mind that the large majority of women who attend breast clinics are not diagnosed with cancer. 

    There is a blog on the Breast Cancer Now website about mammogram recalls that you may find helpful to read through but I really hope that you're able to go away on your holiday tomorrow Sam2606 and try to put this to one side for a few days. Whilst it's natural to feel anxious, worrying won't change the findings on your mammogram but it will leave you feeling worse and spoil your time away. 

    Keep in touch and let us know how you get on at the clinic on the 9th. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Thank you so much for responding. Your words have been a great comfort.