Absolutely terrified

I am 40 years old and I'm pretty good at checking myself, was drilled into me as a kid you ensure that I do doctors was quite impressed I knew to check my underarms and collarbone and up my neck. Checked myself last week and noticed a lump in my breast. Got into the doctor's today and they confirmed it is a lump.

I gave them a family history which is my nan had a double mastectomy but no chemo or other treatments. My aunt had a single mastectomy no chemo etc. my half sister had cysts removed multiple times but no cancer and my mom had multiple cysts but no cancer.

She said because of the family history she was putting me on a 2 week referral to the screening clinic instead of waiting around for a routine appointment.

She didn't seem overly concerned except with the family history.

She results she put on my record is as follows 

Examination: chaperone offered and declined. ; both breasts normal looking. ; no change in skin or colour; no skin tethering.; left breast examination normal.; right breast had a 2cm globular lump in outer middle part , deep in breast tissue.; no axillary or cervical lymphadenopathy noticed. ; Diagnosis: breast lump; Plan: bloods; 2ww; Analgesics requested (8B3I.) pcm

It's hard not to panic I've done nothing but cry this afternoon and I'm getting conflicting info on if they think it's cancer or not. 2cm seems huge to me and I can't help but think this is a death sentence.

My friend is a medical professional and I sent them the reports and they think it's probably a cyst since I had one on that side in my arm a few years back and a few cysts in my leg a while back and that the urgency is purely for the family history to make sure I'm not waiting around. It did help my worry a little bit but I'm still terrified.

I heard globular is probably a better sign as cancer has a tendency to have ragged edges not just oval and it hurts. I thought it might be due to menopause as my mom and sister went through it early.

My brain is just imploding with panic

  • It's completely understandable to panic so don't beat yourself up about it - finding a lump is a terrifying experience and we all immediately think the worst, it's human nature. Just try to remind yourself that approximately 80% of breast lumps are of benign causes. Even in the worst case scenario of cancer being found, treatments these days are fantastic and there is every likelihood of a positive outcome. My lump was 3.2cm and they just chopped it out. I've got to have some further treatments but my doctors tell me my prognosis is excellent. 

    Try not to Google and read the Internet whilst you wait for your appointment- easier said than done I know! Hopefully you will get your appointment through soon, I hope all goes well xx

  • I'm trying my best but I'm spiralling.

    Had my bloods back and those are clear and screening appointment is on the 4th September. I dunno if I should be concerned with how fast that appointment is and if it's an indication of bad news  

  • I think any lump found in women over 30 is an automatic two-week referral, so I wouldn't read too much into that. I think how soon you get an appointment within those two weeks will depend on how busy/backlogged the clinic is - I waited the full two weeks for my appointment, but I know some ladies who were seen the same week as their referral. 

    I'm glad the appointment is soon for you, hopefully the next few days will fly by - try to keep yourself busy and distracted wherever you can

  • I dunno if I'm getting my hopes up but I had breast pain before my period which is when I found the lump. I started my period yesterday and the breast pain is subsiding but the lump now feels different, it doesn't feel as hard or pronounced but I think it still remains the same size. 

    I am still absolutely petrified I'm finding it difficult to sleep or eat and every little pain I get I'm panicking it's something horrendous.

  • Welp didn't sleep at all last night so going into the appointment this morning hormonal and tired  

    Absolutely petrified of what they are going to find.

  • Best of luck, let us know how you get on xx

  • When I was still having periods I always had really lumpy breasts and it would subside .It was a hormonal thing . Try not to overthink and it’s good they are checking it out so quickly as you are young . Stay positive and keep in touch xx

  • So surgeon and radiographer both said it seems like fibrocystic tissue but they have taken biopsies to be sure. Results on 26th now. Still scared but I'm a little more comforted.

  • Ah that sounds very positive! Glad you feel a little better, it's perfectly natural to feel scared until you get those definite results though so don't be hard on yourself. Fingers crossed for 26th

  • So it's been 6 days since my core biopsy. Is it normal for there to be still a lot of swollen tissue round the biopsy area. The area around the top of my nipple the tissue feels hard.

    Also the hard lump I had which caused me to get checked out seems to have gone pretty much. I finally my cycle a few days ago and since then everything seems to have settled down and the lump isent noticeable. I'm hoping that's a good sign that it is what the radiographer thinks it is. Just got to wait six more days to find out for sure one way or another I guess