Worried after pre-cancer cells on smear test

Just got the result of smear test: papilloma virus and high grade dyskaryiosis. Now I will be called for a colposcopy within 2 weeks. I know I shouldn’t read the internet but of course I can’t help it. Anyone in the same situation? Anxiety up the roof. 

  • Hello Caroplym

    I'm sorry to hear that your recent cervical screening results have returned showing HPV and cell changes. It's understandable that you may have questions and concerns about this. 

    It's important to remember that abnormal cervical cells are not the same as cervical cancer and hopefully after your colposcopy appointment next week the specialists will be able to give you some further reassurance. 

    In the meantime, we have some information about abnormal cervical cells on our website that you may find helpful. You might also want to give our nurses a call to talk things through with them. I know they will be happy to listen and offer any advice and support they can. They're available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm on 0808 800 4040. 

    I hope that your appointment date comes through soon. Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • Yes, I’ve had cin2 precancerous lesions removed from my cervix by LETZ as an outpatient, last March, no problem depending on the grade and your age some precancerous lesions will regress on their own with no treatment needed I’m being monitored now just waiting for my results from my 6th month smear test, 

  • hello i am in the same situation-high grade cgin and hpv positive x just had LLETZ and waiting for results x terrified and struggling to function x i am 15 years post meno and gad ine very slight bleed, got referred but just got all good results from vaginal scan so was feeling relieved then i had a call about my results x 3 medical professionals all said my cervix looked normal before smear test results came back but mine are in the cervical canal so not easily seen x i never miss screening and go straight to the dr’s with any worrying symptoms but missed my 2018 smear test as alot going on at that time and just kept forgetting to book it then pandemic etc so mad with myself, never had problems before so was complacent x also didnt know that i had picked hpv up along the way x have scared myself stupid googling, its all so negative