Worried over Ultrasound results and that Doctors are not taking me seriously.

Hi all.

I’m really sorry to be posting on here again but I don’t know where else to turn.

I will try to keep this as short as I can.

Basically 3years ago I went through tests and my lymph nodes were swollen. They discovered I had a benign nodule but never did a biopsy to confirm this.

Just before Christmas 2023 I had a really bad chest infection that caused me to brake a rib. But at the same time I started with pressure and pain in my neck. I didn’t think anything of it at the time because my lymph nodes had remained swollen from 3years ago and I had been coughing so much so thought it had strained my neck. 
May 23rd I managed to get an appointment at the doctors.  Although I described my symptoms and mentioned the lump and lymph nodes, I don’t think he took me seriously. He said he had referred me for an Ultrasound but never heard anything about it for 2 months. During that 2 months I tried to get an appointment to discuss an abnormal blood test result and for worsening symptoms, that took two weeks just to see the nurse, who obviously had to refer me to the doctor. It then took two weeks for the appointment as they cancelled twice on me. July 24th I managed to get to see a doctor and did write a letter to the hospital to rush the Ultrasound appointment. I recently went for that Aug 25th. 
Now I know this will sound completely strange, but I’m so concerned about the results and if they don’t see anything. My most recent TSH results are in normal range of 1.11. Which this has slightly decreased from 1.16 2 months prior. I’ve been doing some research and I’ve read that Goiters and Thyroid Cancer can grow between the Thyroid Gland and the Esophagus and might not be detected with an ultrasound. These would also put pressure on the esophagus. I’ve also read that TSH levels can also be normal with goiters and cancer. So keeping all that in mind, what do I do if my ultrasound results come back ok? I already feel that not many have taken me seriously and feel that this wouldn’t progress any more cause everything has come back ok. I hope all that made sense.

Through the last 2 months my symptoms have got worse. The pressure on my esophagus is unbearable at times. I feel like I’m walking around drunk all the time, just constantly feeling dizzy. This is then worse when I tilt my neck and put any pressure around the thyroid gland/esophagus. Swollowing can be a struggle at times as I feel like there’s a lump in my throat. Headaches are a daily thing. I have pains now under my arms. I have had pins and needles/numbness in arms and legs since before I saw the doctor back in May. What do I do? 
I know the chances of all this being anything sinister is very low, and the problem is most likely a benign goiter or cyst. But after all this time, the not knowing is driving me crazy. All the while symptoms are getting worse yet I feel like nothing is really happening to help sort it. Three years ago when I first went through all of this, I was having tests and scans within a matter of days. This time it’s taken 3months just to have blood tests and a scan. The second lot of bloods a nurse at the GP Surgery sneakily did because she realised the doctor wasn’t sending for the second lot like they should’ve done. That appointment was for something completely different but when she realised how concerned I was and the fact I kept being missed, she sorted it for me.
Ok I’ve not kept that short at all but I hope you all understand what I’m saying and how concerned I am. I’m sorry for the rant and even if no one replies or has any advice for me, thankyou so much for letting me rant and you taking the time to read it.


  • Hello sambo1925,

    Waiting for results can be a worrying time, but I can imagine that the time it's taken to get to this point and feeling like you're not being taken seriously is making things extra difficult. 

    When you’re worried that you may have cancer, it can be tempting to look for answers online, but this can end up increasing anxiety rather than making you feel better and the only person that can diagnose you is your doctor. While you wait for results, I'd suggest that you stay away from googling and if your results do come back clear, it might be a good idea to ask what can be done to improve the symptoms you've mentioned. The doctor is there to help you, but there's information on getting a second opinion on our website, if you feel like you might need it. 

    I hope this is helpful,

    Moderator Anastasia