Skin cancer symptoms

Good evening all.

I’m new too this but I’m looking for some advice without judgement. I’m 32 and I suffer with body image issues which in turn makes me obsessed with the sunbed. I go on for 18 minutes 3-4 times a week and I have been known to go on twice in a day using different shops. I’d like to add my mum was the same and had skin cancer to which she has a operation to remove, hers was on her chest.

For a while I’ve had like a pink/pearly spot appear on my chest, it’s like a spot but cannot be popped, it does come and go however the last two months it’s appeared and hasn’t gone instead it’s formed a hard lump under the skin which has been there about 2 weeks and now the pearly/pink spot is still there but is scaly and incredibly itchy but doesn’t bleed. It feels quite sore actually and them lump can ache. 

i am just wondering wether anyone has had anything similar and been ok? Or whether this sounds something of concern. I’m on the fence and I don’t like wasting anyone’s time. 

many thanks for reading and all my love xx

  • Hi,

    You really need to get it checked out by your GP - you aren't wasting anyone's time as GP's prefer to see skin cancer patients as early as possible.

    Using sunbeds heightens your risk of skin cancer and the amount you use them increases it even more. Hopefully the spot isn't skin cancer but whether it is or not, you need to try & stop using sunbeds. Please seek counselling for your body image issues as it may be the only way to break the cycle of sunbed use which, to put it bluntly, can cause melanoma which can be life threatening. When you see your GP about the spot ask for counselling for dysmorphia. Hopefully the spot will turn out to be benign but you need to stop putting your health in danger. I used sunbeds sporadically from the age of 20 to my mid 30's. At 39 I was diagnosed with melanoma on my shin - at 51 it had spread to the lymph nodes in my groin & pelvis & I now live with the fear it could return & spread further. In the 80's there was no knowledge about melanoma & sun safety - if I knew then what I know now I wouldn't go near a sunbed.

    Good luck and please let us know how you get on,

    Angie (Stage 3 melanoma patient since 2009)