Asbestos exposure anxiety

For the past 2 years I have thoroughly read and researched all about asbestos exposure and it’s cancer risks-mainly mesothelioma and lung cancer.

During renovations our builder chipped through a small piece amosite AIB unknowingly. It was me who discovered it 2 days after moving back into the house. The room in question was full of my daughter’s stuff. 

my life has effectively been destroyed by this. Every day I worry. We had the roommencironmentallymcleaned, although most stuff, the wall was covered in epoxy paint and t. I am so so worried that my young children will develop mesothelioma from This exposure. I have tried anti depressants but they don’t help. I’m awake every night and ultimately feel worried and on edge. 

We were living in the house/room for 3 days until I discovered it and moved us out. We still live in the house and cannot move. Does this count as long exposure and are we at significant risk?  I realise that we have been exposed to the worst type. 

thank you

  • My husband has lived with Asbestosis for over 25 years -  he was exposed at 17 through his employment of 2 years, he was completely ignorant to the risks  and developed the disease in his mid forties.   It is impossible to say at this stage whether the level of exposure you have had to the asbestos will cause you or your children harm.  Although no expert - i would think the risk is absolute minimal,  although there is a theory around the "Fatal Fibre" The disease more often take many years to show its self with some people in their 70's before realising they have the disease.   All i can say to you is this ///  when we found that my husband had Asbestosis - like yourself   we were thinking the worst and  waiting for him to develop cancer and die,  it hasn't happened yet.  - and he is nearly 70 years old. ......  

    Your local council has a responsibility for the safe management of asbestos and its safe removal -   i would contact them and get someone out if you havnt already.  They will advise you of the risks and management 

    In the meantime - you children are fit and healthy - enjoy them and your life together -   its a frightening thought that the children could be effected - but a lifetime is a very long time to be so burdened by something that will probably and hopefully not happen.

    Good luck