Mammogram nothing scan and biopsy done

Was told in my appt 20 mins after my scan that lump highly suspicious and I probably have cancer. I'm lucky I caught it early as it's small, but can thry really diagnose from an ultrasound? My appt is 05/09 to go through treatment. It is treatable. I'm a little confused. Didn't ask questions because I have to let it all sink in but I'm now totally confused. Help. Thanks. :-) 

  • I had Mamogram, scan and biopsy and told ‘suspicious’. Two weeks later, confirmed cancer with two very small lumps. They were grade 1 thankfully and testing showed oestrogen receptor+ 

    had surgery last week to remove them and sentinel lymph node. Recovering well and although still feeling rather in shock, I cannot fault the Service and feel  positive that this is curable. 

    it is all very quick and difficult to process on the day/weeks around investigation and diagnosis so I would say, go back and ask any questions you have. They will do their best to answer but without test results in, nothing conclusive. I found this was the most, worrying time but once I knew, I felt a sense of relief.