Awful - my first colonoscopy experience

Omg, I was not prepared for that , my first colonoscopy!!! And I sincerely hope it’s the last. 

taking the 500 ml of diuretic medication within 60 mins was a struggle, I found it vile even with clear juice in it. And then 500ml of juice. Unfortunately I am not one who drinks much and I found it very difficult drinking 1 litre of liquid in 90 mins,  and then you have to do agin the follow morning, unfortunately my stomach could cope and I bought it up. 
The procedure was excruciating even with the sedation. Apart from child birth that was the most painful thing I have had done. 

in the end we had to abandon the investigation as it was far too painful. 

The only 2 options are gas and air or mild sedation which to be honest is not enough for some people who’s pain threshold might be lower than others.  Maybe time to think of alternatives to help people get through it. 

  • I've had 14 colonoscopies post bowel cancer. Firstly there is another prep called picolax which is two or 3 150ml glasses, but I do know not everyone can have it and you have to have blood tests to assess kidney and liver function first. It still vile but a much smaller quantity and easy not tolerate.

    Secondly the sedation part - this can be upped. You can also have pain relief , fentanyl in various doses. You can have gas and air on top of those 2 too. You can also be given buscupan to relax the bowel. There are other stronger sedation available and a GA is sometimes available. 

    That all being said mine often still hurt and I've come to the conclusion that it all down to the skill of the endoscopist be they doctor, consultant ,professor or nurse some are just better than others to the point where I refuse colonocopies from certain staff

  • Jesus 14.. and I am moaning about my one I was expecting a bit of pain but not to that extent

    they now think that sigmoid might be stuck to my hysterectomy scar. Maybe why so painful

    Having a ctc scan.. 

  • Ha, yep 14 so far and still going ,tho every 2 years now not annually.  I've had a hysterectomy too and have extensive adhesions from cancer surgery. But I had colonoscopies with minimal pain and others where oh my I've been writhing around. All down to who is on the other end of the scope I think. Your CT will be a breeze compared to colonoscopy. Good luck.

  • Well I wish you all the best and thank you for posting