Blood in stool and severe abdominal pains. Due to see a gastroenterologist. Has anyone else been in this position? So anxious

2nd July 2024

I’ve just turned 35, I noticed some bloody stool and the toilet was full of blood the water turned completely red, I did ignore it at first, then I was constantly happening I was using the toilet more regular having soft stools only more than usual, feeling I still needed the toilet but only passing blood, that’s when I told my partner she booked me in to go asap, which was a day or two later, I had a login doctor, he give me the finger examination, no piles found so he gave me like cream anyways, I werent happy with the brief replies, so I had a bit of a strop and tried to ignore it but I’ve been getting severe pains now just falling asleep as soon as I get home from work, sometimes struggling to be bothered for a shower, so Saturday after being in pain for 2 days unbearable pain I called 111 when I spoke to the call handler I got sent straight to a&e (Saturday night) got told I was on an hiarachy and was 3rd one doctor at the whole of the hospital had to deal with 3 ambulances on blue lights 2 drunks split open in police vans and 2 severely ill children so I dropped down the list vastly, so I go to out of hours gp worried and felt unanswered so I see a gp who gives me lansoprazole for indigestion pain which I haven’t got quick feel of the stomach it’s an ulcer don’t worry, so I’ve got home nothings changed but the bloods alone not only with stool now so I phones gp at my surgery, was seen by a nurse practitioner who was amazing she went above and beyond to get me test and appointment to see gastroenterologist which she said will be urgent and within 2 weeks I’m so anxious anyone else been in the same boat please?

  • My husband just gone through something very similar , had a CT scan and yesterday results showed diverticulitis.  He went to A&E and they got him scanned the next day. 

  • I’m so anxious as all my symptoms except one are bowel cancer, the amount of blood the last day or two with no stool is so worrying, did he have fit test? And cameras? @Clastegra thanks for the reply!

  • I’ve just read up about diverticulitis, that’s only half of what I’m going through, I literally done a tick list of cancer and tick off the symptoms I have 9 of the 10 that’s on nhs site! Seems like I’m just sat scared waiting how long did your husband wait for these tests please   

  • My husband had a CT with contrast , he's still waiting for a colonoscopy. 

    His fit test was strongly positive we were told yesterday, he had a rectal examination but doctor couldn't feel anything and his dad died last year of bowel cancer so he convinced himself it was this too.

  • The nurse practitioner felt lumps which is worrying as I feel I need the loo now and I’m just passing blood nothing else I’ve come to a&e I’m petrified