
I have hemeroids and I feel that they may be stopping me pooh. I always feel like I need a pooh and my pooh are smaller, less bulky. Could this be caused by hemeroids  partially blocking pooh coming out. I am travelling so difficult to get examination 

  • Hello,

              from what you describe it sounds that you have a restriction in your bowel. The exact cause of the restriction could be one of several different things and your post is just fishing for a hopeful answer when the reality is that unless you have an internal examination you are not going to know.

    If you have noticed that it is getting worse over time this would suggest progression that needs checking

    l live with much the same, but in my case it is a result of a bowel being re-joined and reformed after a resection so l will have scar tissue creating a narrowing of the bowel, so unlike you l know the reason, but unlike you l also live with the fact that my early warning system is now compromised

    I am sure you know that you should be approaching the medics to get definitive answers, the fact you are asking this question on a Cancer site as opposed to a Hemorrhoid sufferers site just confirms your concerns.

    In any event should you notice stale blood in your stools, which will present as black dots throughout, get yourself seen to asap, leaving it that late risks a whole lot more than indecision.

    l could reply saying that yes it could be what you are hoping and you can just forget about it and carry on as before, but this is not something that should be dismissed that easy, so l hope that you make the effort to get checked over,

                                                                                 all the best,
