Incidental find of a lesion in my lung...lymph nodes swollen

Evening all 

Didnt think id ever be typing in a forum like this, but here i am! 

Looking to chat to other people who are going through the same anxiety and uncertainty of a possible cancer diagnosis! 

If anyone fancies a chat please let me know 


  • Hello Paranormal_girl, 

    A warm welcome to our forum! I like your username and saw in your profile description that you love spooky things - any favourite spine-chilling film?

    Poor you, you're going through such an anxious time waiting for results after this incidental find of a lesion on your lung and these swollen lymph nodes. I hope that you won't have to wait too long to get some definite answers. As many members of our community will know only too well, this is a time when your mind can go into overdrive and it can be tempting to look things up online but try if you can to resist the temptation to do so as this will not give you any reliable answers and will only increase your anxiety. There are so many other conditions that explain your symptoms so try not to anticipate if you can that it might be cancer. 

    Unfortunately there is nothing you can do during this tedious waiting game other than wait and time can feel like it is dragging on. Keep distracted if you can focusing on doing things you enjoy - have a read of our handy tips to help you cope while waiting for important news which I hope will help you feel a little better. 

    Keeping everything super tightly crossed for you that it all turns out to be nothing of concern.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Lucie thank you for reaching out 

    I sm struggling with all of this and trying desperately hard not to think the absolute worst 

    In my head im a goner and i know thats a completely unhealthy and dark way to feel 

    You are right about Dr Google 

    That bought nothing but increased anxiety and stress

    I suffer badly with anxiety anyway so something like this was never going to sit well with me 

    Its occupying my every thought and although i know its wasted wnergy, it is stealing my happiness 

    Any support would be appreciated 

    Thank you