Neck swelling and vein congestion


I saw my gp last week because of swelling in my clavicular region and a bulging neck vein. He did say I had swelling and my jugular vein was 'congested'. I also mentioned that I'm having night sweats but not sure if this is perimenopause. He ordered an urgent neck ultrasound and chest xray, which I haven't had yet. In the meantime, my bloods are all normal apart from lower eGfr. 

Has anyone had a similar issue? Or had a ca or lymphoma diagnosis when bloods were normal? 

Many thanks 

  • Hi EmilyEm, 

    This must be such an anxious time for you as you are waiting for these tests and results. I hope that you won't have to wait too long now for your ultrasound and chest X-Ray and it's reassuring that your blood results are normal but you won't know for sure what is going on until you get the full picture after all these investigations. You are in good hands though and it won't be too long now until you find out more. Waiting for test results is not easy and it's often described here as the hardest time when your mind seems to be going into overdrive and I thought I would share with you these helpful tips to help you cope while waiting for important news. 

    I will now let our members come and say hello and share their diagnosis stories with you. It helps to talk to others who have had similar symptoms and who have been through similar tests. 

    Keeping everything crossed for you that it all turns out to be nothing of concern, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you very much. I've coincidently noticed a hard lump in my abdomen, the size of a large marble. Will make another appointment with my GP. Hopefully these are just lymph nodes from a virus