Biopsy results

Hi. I had a biopsy and breast markers last Wednesday (8th). Afterwards the consultant said the results would be back in 7-10 days and asked if I was going away. I said I was away from the 19th and he replied that he wouldn’t ask me to cancel anything.

Because I was worried I rang the nurse on Tuesday who very helpfully told me my results were in and were going to MDT yesterday. If there was anything to be concerned about would they pull forward my appointment so if I don’t hear anything can I assume it’s good news?

I really wanted to know the outcome before I went on holiday so wasn’t sure whether to call the clinic again?

Many thanks

  • Hi YogiBoo, 

    It's good you don't need to cancel your break away and I hope that you have a great holiday and manage to relax as much as possible. You did well to ring the nurse to try and get an update on your results and it was very nice of her to tell you that the results were in and they were having an MDT meeting. It's hard to know really whether they would pull forward your appointment so you can't really draw any conclusions just yet but if I were you, I would try and get in touch with them again on Monday if you can just before you go on holiday to try and find out more if you feel that having more details would help you enjoy your holiday and make the most of it. 

    I am keeping everything crossed for you for good results. Whatever the results and even if you don't get to talk to them before you go away, I hope that you have the most wonderful time and a relaxing break (with a bit of sunshine if possible!)

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Thank you so much for replying Lucie.

    I got a letter in the post on Wednesday to say I have a follow up appointment on the 30th which was made the day I went for my mammogram, biopsy etc. 

    Yesterday I received a further call to say my appointment is on the 30th but they have placed me on a cancellation list. They wouldn’t give me any further information. Is this normal to be put on a cancellation list? I don’t think I’m going to know anything now before I go on holiday so I’m trying to put it all to the back of my head (but obviously I’m worrying a lot).

    Best wishes