Endometrial lining 16mm

Hi all I had a Coloscopy three weeks ago they also did a polypectomy by forceps and inserted another marina coil after I’ve been to the GP with bleeding and spotting six weeks before I’ve been through the menopause over 4 four years ago I can’t praise the National health enough as they got me in within two weeks of seeing a specialist for surgery. My concern is my endometrial lining on the scan or 16 mm and after theatre, the registrar said it was sinister and I’ve got to wait for the biopsy results after three weeks I’m still waiting. I’m climbing the walls worrying that there is something. seriously, wrong I’m still bleeding still getting cramps. I’m going out of my mind. I had a Brain tumour diagnosis in 2022 which is being monitored and I think all this stress of waiting for these results is praying on my mind even more than that. I have run the consultant secretary no answer. I’ve just got to sit and wait I think three weeks is a long time when people are waiting for these types of results 

  • Hello bealy666, 

    You did well to go to the GP when you noticed the bleeding and spotting and it's great the National Health Service was so efficient and you got to see a specialist within 2 weeks. Waiting for biopsy results is rather stressful and these would normally come through within a couple of weeks as mentioned on our page on the biopsy  but there can easily be delays especially with the summer break so you did well to try get in touch with the consultant's secretary. I hope you managed to leave a message on the answering machine and perhaps you could try ringing them again on Monday - it shouldn't be long now until you get your results. 

    I can imagine this is a worrying time for you as you are waiting for weeks for these important results whilst experiencing all these symptoms, the bleeding and cramps. I thought I would share with you our helpful tips to help you cope during this anxious wait for answers. 

    Unfortunately all you can do is wait for these biopsy results and I hope that you will get these very soon and that it all turns out to be nothing of concern. 

    Keeping everything tightly crossed for you, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator