U3 thyroid nodule

Hi, I had an ultrasound around April for a lump in my neck and it came back a U2 with advice for another scan in a couple of months, I had that at the beginning of July and it has now come back as a U3 as it has grown and has other features not picked up in the first scan. The radiologist report recommended an FNA and an appointment was put through via my GP for an urgent ENT appointment. I have now had a letter to say I am on a pooled general waiting list and should get an appointment sometime late next year. Has anyone else had to wait that long for an FNA biopsy?  

  • I would suggest you go back to your GP as to wait for an appointment late next year seems far too long. Especially as the nodule has changed from a U2 to a U3 and the radiologist recommended an FNA.

    Hope your GP can get things moving for you.

  • Thank you for the reply. I'm just waiting now for the GP to find out why it has been moved to a general appointment list and not urgent. She did say it would have been triaged by an ENT consultant first and they decide what list, which kind of goes against what the consultant radiologist signed off. I will wait and see what the outcome of that is but it all takes time I guess and doesn't help me whilst waiting with some unknowns (sigh).

  • At least your GP is trying to help. Even so, to wait that long without having the FNA seems too long.

    Perhaps you would be able to update us and once you've got some feedback from the GP.

  • Just a quick update, I chased with the GP on Friday and the receptionist advised that my GP had written for the appointment to be expedited on the 31st July and that I could perhaps chase with them directly. I phoned this morning and they said it was down marked as urgent, I have just received a call back and now have an appointment for next week, so hopefully I can find out one way or another and stop fretting.

  • Delighted to hear that. By the way, I do hope that the FNA result is good.

    Let us know how it goes.


  • Hi, thought I would add a new little update. I had my appointment with ENT yesterday for what I thought was the FNA as per the US report and GP referral. I was in there for approximately 5 minutes whilst the consultant read through my notes and told me I need an appointment for a FNA and should get that soon. The appointment was a waste of everyone's time but it is what it is, back to the waiting game for me. I will update as things progress. Hopefully it will be benign and I can move on. Take care xx

  • Thanks for the update. This waiting game is difficult and it's a shame about you now having to wait, unexpectedly, for the actual FNA appointment. Do hope that, once you've had it, the result is benign.

    Best wishes x