Fit test postive

Hi I’m a59 women a couple of weeks ago I had bloods they came back saying I was very low on iron 9

Doctor asked me to do a fit test that came back positive 14ug. 
I’ve been put on the 2 week suspected cancer pathway 

I’m very anxious 

  • 14 is just barely positive. The cut off is 10 and many people get results well into the 100s. And it is just testing for blood in your stool anyway. A result of 14 just means there's a little bit of blood in your stool. The most likely causes are something like hemorrhoids or a fissure. It could, of course, be something more serious, like a polyp or ulcerative colitis or Crohn's or an infection or even cancer, but those are far less likely (except maybe the polyp).

  • Any positive result means the suspected cancer pathway. It doesn't mean they think you are likely to have cancer. I think something like 10% of positive FITs are cancer and honestly, with a result so close to the borderline, the odds are probably lower for you. 

  • Thank you for your reply it’s just a very anxious time 

  • Hi and good morning, im waiting for my camera appointment  as referral made as Lower GI Suspected Cancer q FIT of 46.7.

    That's it im done for.  Well not surprised as having not much of a life and couldnt find possible reason for my purpose, existence and this just... I to stop now it's not healthy or ohh ii stopsorry. Kind regards 

  • Hello MckLw 

    I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling so worried about your qFIT test result whilst you're waiting for your colonoscopy appointment. It's understandable that you may have some concerns and questions about what this result might mean for you. 

    Whilst qFIT tests are used as part of the bowel cancer screening process it's important to remember that there are other health conditions that can cause a raised result such as inflammatory bowel disease, gastritis, and even hemorrhoids. Try to keep a positive mindset whilst you're waiting for your appointment as this certainly helps make the waiting easier. 

    If you'd like to talk things through with one of our nurses for some information and support you can call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    Hopefulyl you won't have to wait too long for your appointment and the team will be able to give you some answers and reassurance on the day. 

    Do let us know how you get on. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • That doesn't even mean you have cancer, let alone that you are done for. All a FIT can tell is whether or not there is blood in your stool. It doesn't say anything about what might be causing it. And I think they say "suspected cancer" if cancer is a possibility at all. The odds of cancer are probably around 10% or lower. And even if it is cancer, that doesn't mean you won't live.

    Hope you get good news today and it turns out you just have a hemorrhoid or something like that.

  • Hi, it is scary of course it is. A 10%, 90%, or even 1%, a chance is a chance and your feelings are valid. I was on this earlier this year for suspected cancer. My fit came back over 200.I was seen in just under 2 weeks, I was certain it would be hemmoriods. It wasn’t us was a benign polyp. The thread I was on at the time had people with lower fit test results and they’re a was cancer. Not to scare you in saying that but to be truthful the numbers means nothing. I wish you luck and I hope everything turns out to be mild! 

  • Hi I have my colonoscopy on Tuesday so glad it’s nearly here 

  • Hi just wanted to let you know. I had my colonoscopy on Tuesday the prep was rough but the actual procedure was fine. Great result one very small polyp all clear of cancer.  Good luck everyone