Partner being really nasty to me whist I wait for results


i had a biopsy 2 weeks ago and still waiting for the results. They did say due to it being the summer ( with people taking annual leave) and that they are short staffed it may take longer. 

Anyway, i found the lump a week before the biopsy and he mocked me, generally saying i was making a fuss. Even when the doctor sent me to the breast clinic on an urgent referral he still made fun of me until I had to ask him to stop. To his credit he did apologise.

 at the breast clinic they confirmed it was a hard lump and a biopsy needed to be done. Before the biopsy he had been in a bad mood for 2-3 weeks. When I got home ( I had to go alone) he was suddenly full of the joys of spring. But ever since then he has not been very nice to me. If I try to talk he about my worries he mocks me and says I bet you think you’re dying. Today he had a go at me for not washing up a chopping board. I was working from home and he was on leave, I had a sandwich for lunch and went back to work he has sat around playing on a guitar all day. Then when I asked him to leave the kitchen as I had a meeting for half an hour he got angry with me again as I apparently let him sit around for too long and he needs to do stuff in the kitchen right at this minute. I had to cancel my meeting!

i tried to bring up with him how he has made a feel ( in what I thought was a very measured and respectful way) over the past two weeks but he did everything to tell me it was my fault, started brining up past arguments and generally tell me he had been a shining example of support over the past two weeks.

i am Feeling so alone, has anyone experienced anything similar

  • I’m so sorry you are going through this. It must be a very scary uncertain time for you. 
    could it be because he is scared? And trying to process it all?

    How was your relationship before this? 

  • Not condoning any of his behaviour, because some of it borders on being abusive. Others might think it crosses the line. However, if your description is accurate, it smacks of him being in denial. Fear of losing something can do that to people, and whilst some can border on comedic with their denial, he's went the other way.

    He's probably as frightened as you, and rather than face up to the reality, he's deluding himself that you're making a mountain out of a molehill so to speak, and explains his anger. As you have found out first hand, some people simply don't handle these situations very well at all. Give him the benefit of the doubt, he'll get his act together should the results turn out to be what you're hoping they aren't. But these very forums are littered with posts from people whose partners never adult up to the occasion.

  • He sounds emotionally immature. Has he behaved like this prior to breast cancer scare? If not, then ask him why he's acting this way. If it turns out that you do have breast cancer then you will be have enough to deal with without having to deal with domestic issues. Better to raise it with him now.

    Having been through breast cancer, I lost people along the way and never looked back. 

  • Sounds like a man child, after I had  3 biopsy’s removed from my cervix, on the way home from the hospital I wanted to grab a few thing from the supermarket, he asked me could I get 2 of the large 30 can boxes of coke, I said to him your joking I can’t lift that, he just laughed, I said you’ll have to come in and get it yourself, he made me feel like I was really putting him self out for me