After colonoscopy, doctors think I may have rectal cancer - never been so scared

After my colonoscopy the doctors words were a blur but indicates serious and cancer , had ct scan mri and cpex in morning, weds is mdt meeting then I assume I'll get an appt to see what's happening , I have never been as scared in my life . 

  • Hi I had appt in Sheffield yesterday just about tomorrow and a blood test , to be honest it all sounded positive but I'm still scared about the chemo, but they give you stuff to counter act the side effects , my appt is 10.15 in morn and they said il be done by early aft , how is your daughter ? And yourself? Xx

  • Thinking of you Beau and Nanny and your daughter. Do you have plans to listen to something during chemo to help you find some calm? Eg meditations, affirmations, music? I'm finding this sort of 

  • Hi there I'd not really thought about it to be honest , I'm hoping to chat to others there , I can chat haha or il just be on my phone , how are you getting on? Xx

  • Hee! Well if you ever fancy that sort of thing I really recommend Insight timer. Got a friend who is having treatment who swears by it x

    Still getting pain and still worried as have been ridiculously constipated, (had no idea as it was a partial blockage) for a long time and can't understand why unless something sinister. Combined with fatigue I'm v concerned. On all the laxatives and enemas now but seems like I'm making v slow progress. 

    FIT test was negative along with others which is great. However I'm worried that ongoing blockage is "hiding" damage if that makes sense. Running around 4 young kids in between toilet runs is not fun but I'm getting used to managing it.

    So I've been referred to 2ww for colonoscopy but as lower priority due to negative FIT. Not sure what that means really. Appreciate the encouragement to push for referral, might not have done otherwise.

    Good idea to chat though, it will help you and the others. I tend to isolate and withdraw when I get stressed which is NOT healthy. Have to remind myself that human connection is helpful when going through this stuff and I'm not alone. 

  • Good luck tomorrow and keep us posted x

  • We found out yesterday that my daughter’s cancer is stage 3 has moved to nearby lymph nodes, waiting for an appointment with the oncologist to discuss chemotherapy she and I are gutted. It’s so unfair she is going through this. Xx

  • Hi , I'm sorry to hear that , really hope you can both feel a bit better when you get more info and a plan so hard , I've had first chemo through canula was at hospital about 3 hrs , the drip took 2 hrs , feel fine apart from tingly hands and hand a bit sore , I came home with a big bag of tabs , mouthwash and cream if I get dry skin, I take 4 tablets tonight, then 2 lots of 4 for nxt 2 wks , also got steroids for nxt 3 days , and anti sick tabs incase ! I feel I'm laid here waiting for a side effect , very weird feeling but it's the first day to getting better , im thinking about you both and I look forward to hearing when you start treatment as it does feel like I'm getting somewhere now ..take care xx

  • Hi thinking of you, how are you feeling? Xx

  • Hi I'm ok thankyou , my hand is still quite sore , I might ring a nurse see if that is normal , get a bit anxious taking tablets but so far feel fine , how are you and your daughter ? When is your next appt ? Xx

  • My daughters appt is on Thursday at 10.30 xx