Waiting for results

I had two biopsies three weeks ago I have a thickened lining and a large polyp. I was wondering how long it takes to get biopsy results. It was mentioned at the time it might take a couple of weeks ?

  • Hello Rando, 

    As mentioned in the NHS site in their page on the biopsy, biopsy results are often available within a few days and can take a couple of weeks to come through but if you have been waiting longer than that it might be worth getting in touch with the hospital or with your surgery to try and get an update from them on whether your results are available or if there have been any delays. 

    So give them a call tomorrow and I hope that you find out more and that you get your results very soon. Keeping everything tightly crossed for you! 

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator