Colonoscopy biopsy

So I had a colonoscopy,2 small polyps removed and diverticulitis was the outcome.I also had about 8 biopsies taken.I thought that was it all done and over with,but now a fortnight later I’ve received an appointment for an abdominal and pelvis scan.Im confused as to why,as far as I knew the biopsies would take 6-8 weeks.Now I’m worried all over again 

  • Hi meme46, 

    I am not sure what it all means and why you need to have an abdominal and pelvis scan but perhaps you could try and ring your GP so that they can see whether they can find out more in your medical notes as to why these scans were ordered. I hope that you won't have to wait too long for these scans. It is normal to be worried and it must be especially stressful as you probably feel like you've been through this stress before and it is all starting again. It's reassuring though that after your colonoscopy you were told that diverticulitis was the outcome. It might be worth ringing them to see whether you will receive your biopsy results soon and whether they could explain to you in more detail what the next steps might be and what they are investigating. 

    I am keeping everything crossed for you that it all turns out to be nothing of concern and that you get peace of mind soon on this.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator