Thinking the worst

Hi, I  was diagnosed with HER2+ ER- breast cancer in 2020 and underwent chemo, a lumpectomy,  radiotherapy and immunotherapy for a year which gave me a complete response and was all clear in 2021. As anyone who has been through  cancer knows, I have constantly worried about  it coming  back and have suffered several other health issues since then as a result of my treatment. I have anxiety and depression,  fatigue, lymphoedema, stress incontinence, inflammatory arthritis and wear and tear on my spine and right hip. I have been back and forth to the GP over the past few months as my lower back and hip are causing  more pain recently despite  being on zapain, naproxen, Sulfasalizine and Methotrexate. I have just been so miserable  with everything as I really am not the person I was before this. I was referred to physio  and had more blood tests recently which showed I was anemic and have a low haemoglobin level and was called in to see the GP to discuss my results. She asked if I had had any bleeding when passing motions, which I had noticed recently but not enough to be concerned about. I put it down to all the medication I'm on either giving me constipation or loose bowels depending on the time of the week. She did a rectal exam which she said was normal but given my history wanted to refer me to a gastro consultant and do a fecal test in the meantime. I did this and dropped it in on Friday afternoon, but wasn't concerned as i didn't see any blood in the stool. On Tuesday morning I was called first thing by the hospital to say there was infact blood in my stool and I was being given an appointment under the urgent 2 week protocol. Understandably I am now in a spiral thinking the worst but have to wait until the 5th and it's only a telephone appointment ive been given. I've been asked to have my medication list ready and pen and paper but my mind is in turmoil. All I keep doing is googling all my symptoms (which I know is the worst thing to do) but I don't know what I will do if they give me bad news again. I know it could be something completely treatable so don't want to worry everyone around me and look stupid if it does turn out to be nothing but I just can't stop worrying now.

  • My wife was diagnosed with pretty extensive triple positive breast cancer just over two years ago, and like yourself, she had a complete response. We're 2 years out.

    Something i learned pretty fast, a cancer diagnosis does begin and end with the diagnosis and the end of treatment. It's there hanging around like a bad smell. Every niggle, every symptom. My wife has had 3 scares. 2 lumps, which turned out to be scar tissue and an oil cyst. The 3rd was a bleed, like a period bleed. Wasn't much blood, but enough. The wait to get seen was a nightmare. Long story short, the biopsy and camera test were all fine. But yeah, the fear remains, as do the constant appointments to get these things seen to. Don't think you'll ever be free from all this nonsense. It's our new normal.

    Here's hoping all this turns out to be a whole lotta nothing, but it's getting to that point that's tiring. Just want some time off from it all.

  • Was meant to read "doesn't begin and end". Can't edit the original post. Sorry.

  • I'm so sorry you've had to go through this with your wife. I'm glad to hear she is also now clear but I totally understand that it just never ends. I too have already been through 2 scares which turned out to be scar tissue on my operation site and arthritis in my spine. You do just worry about every little thing after what we have experienced.

    Fingers crossed this is just another bump in the road and that we all eventually get some time off from everything