womb cancer?

I was called in for tests after it showed my womb lining has thickened from 1.9 to 12.I had a biopsy yesterday.The consultant suspects cancer.please advise as worried.She said my womb was red and inflamed

  • Hi, that time from biopsy to results is scary and all sorts of things go through your head. I've been through what you are now going through and I do feel for you. My womb cancer journey started mid April with bleeding and ended with an hysterectomy and cured 6 weeks later.

    Personally I did do research on this but only via NHS or Cancer Research. That was my way of coping and arming myself with knowledge regarding womb cancer. This might not suit everyone but I did need to feel in control.

    Take a deep breath think positive thoughts. Get outside in nature and deal with whatever you have to deal with when the results are in..

    Please keep in touch 
