Infection or something sinister? Been referred to breast clinic due to swollen breast and other symptoms

Newbie here. 

I’m 26 with no kids. For the last 4 weeks I’ve been suffering with a swollen left breast. Last week I went to get it checked by the GP. He immediately referred me Friday afternoon and I have an appointment later this week with the breast clinic.

Yesterday when I woke up my breast was purple in colour, more swollen and hot to touch. I immediately contacted the nurse who started me on antibiotics to cover me while I waited to be seen to rule out possible infection. When I was being examined she said that the tissue on the outer side had became quick thick and that it was causing her some concerns. As the afternoon went on my nipple started to darken and a burning sensation appeared. 

I have absolutely no pain, I only really notice it’s there due to the amount of swelling. 

Do I have a right to be worried? Everyone’s telling my I’m too young but more recently im hearing that it’s not impossible.

  • I'm sorry to hear about your breast BBmax172 but I'm glad you went to your GP and have been referred to the breast clinic to get this looked at.

    I know this must be scary but hopefully you'll be able to get some answers and peace of mind when you go for your appointment this week.

    So many of our members know how worrying this can be, so you are not alone, and I'm sure you will receive some words of support, and advice, from the community soon.

    If you have any questions or concerns you'd like to discuss with our cancer nurses after your appointment, you're very welcome to give them a call on 0808 800 4040. Their phone line is open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and they'll do all that they can to help you.

    We're thinking of you BBmax172 and will have our fingers crossed everything will be o.k.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator