Have been waiting almost 8 weeks for my Biopsy results. Is this normal?

I had a colonoscopy back on the 1st June and I am still waiting for the results, is this a normal waiting time? I was told 4-6 weeks but still nothing and now approaching 8 weeks. I Haven’t spoken to my GP but noticed on my nhs app that the GP has wrote to them last week to ask for someone to contact me for an update and to discuss a plan going forward but I have not heard anything. 

  • HI BoBoPink, I am sorry you are going through this, I would phone them and your GP (who will likely chase them again) and keep hounding.  At least if you knew an appointment date/when to expect results would be something.  You have been more than patient so don't feel like you are being unreasonable.  At least if you are given a reason for the delay.

    I was told that I had already had my MRI and they were waiting for the results.  Explained I hadn't even been contacted about an MRI and it had been 10 days that an urgent referral should have been made.  Mistakes happen and it was by chance that I had phoned to speak to the breast care nurse.  That was on a Friday and on the Monday an appointment had been made for me.  

    Sending strength

    A x

  • Thank you I will give them a call I don’t really have anything to go off except it was 1-2 cm and they think that was the main cause of the bleeding but no idea whether they had any concerns about it! I’m only 29 and it’s taken me three years to get them to agree to refer me, the gp said they wouldn’t find anything because of my age! X

  • Managed to get hold of GP all they can tell me is tubulovillous Adenomas with low grade dysplasia she said I will need to contact them directly for more information. Not heard from anyone from colorectal team! x