Two week ovarian cancer appointment

Hello. I have my 2 week wait appointment tomorrow for suspected ovarian cancer. I’m terrified that it’ll mean more waiting and not knowing. Does anyone know what they’ll do in this appointment pleas I’ve had two transvaginal scans, one of which was last week and an ultrasound. CA125 has come back fine. I’m so scared

  • Hi Sweetpea08 and welcome to the forum.

    I'm so sorry no-one was able to get back to you before you had your appointment, but I hope everything went ok and your mind has been put at ease.

    If there was anything you forgot to ask or mention at your appointment that you would like to discuss with one of our cancer nurses, do give them a call on 0808 800 4040. Their phone lines are open Monday - Friday between 9a.m - 5p.m and they will do all that they can to help.

    Now that our members can see your post again, I'm sure it won't be long until you receive some support and advice.

    Kind regards,

    Steph, Cancer Chat Moderator