Waiting for Biopsy results - Womb/Uterine

I am a first time poster.  I went for a Hysterectomy on Thursday.  I had a ultrasound including an internal in March and was advised my uterus was showing as 30mm they said at the time they would fast track me but I have been on a 22 week waiting list until the end of last month when my GP asked for a fast track again and so had my appointment this week (it was 20 weeks since my initial scan).  After Thursdays procedure the Consultant brought me into the office and said he had serious concerns about what he saw.  When I said "it is Uterine cancer isn't it" he said "I have serious concerns, I am fast tracking your biopsy".  I have significant pain in the area which spasms at times on the left side.  My feet are very swollen ankles and top of my feet I am unsure if this is related.  

As you can imagine I am in bits, I cannot sleep, do not want to eat and do not know what to do with myself.  I am trying to stay calm but it is so hard.   When I first heard what he said I was somewhat relieved, I have always feared that people were putting me to the bottom of the pile and considered me a time waster or a hypochondriac, for months before my initial scan I had been bounced from blood test to Iron tablets back to blood tests and even been told I should go on anti-depressants because my excessive tiredness was probably as a result of depression. 

I suppose I am just wanting to ask others, when you were fast tracked how long did it take to get your results? he said no more than two weeks but he did say he was fast tracking.  But also just want to get this out, it is hard waiting, it could well be it is an easy fix problem but his face kind of said it all. 

  • Sorry stupid autocorrect that should of read Hysteroscopy 

  • Hi Mandabee123

    What a long wait for the call back. I don't know if different regions have longer waits? I was diagnosed with womb cancer in May after suffering from bleeding. I got my results back in 1 week confirming the cancer via a biopsy.. When I was referred to gynaecology I was put on a 2 week pathway and each step was very quick.

    I had my hysterectomy early June.. 

    I also had a thickening of the womb lining but it had not progressed beyond.

    There's no getting away from the fact that it is a scary time just waiting but you've had an exceptional long wait.. 

    At least you are now moving in the system..

    Please keep in touch x

  • Thank you so much for your kind response.  It is comforting hearing that you were diagnosed and had your treatment so close after your diagnosis so hopefully now I have had a good Consultant and he has shown concern it will move faster.  I hope you do not mind me asking (and of course it is fine if you do not want to share) but did you get an MRI after your biopsy to determine if it had spread? Yes I think there was a serious error in my referral from the ultrasound scan, it should of been fast tracked and for the life of me I do not know why it wasn't.  

  • Yes, once cancer had been confirmed I was called for an MRI and CT scan all within a week of the diagnosis.

    The MRI was looking at my womb and CT for the rest of my body, obviously looking further afield for anything suspicious.

    My consultant then explained exactly where the cancer was, even drew a picture, and explained the operation.

    I can't fault my doctor and local NHS service but it is shocking that you've had such a long wait.


  • Oh thanks so much for the reply.  I have had a lot of MRI's in the past mainly for a Meningioma brain tumour I had partially removed five years ago (benign but in a bad place).  I know it sounds nuts but I wanted to see if they would do "whole body" MRI or just where the problem is as I was kind of hoping if I had to have one for this it would be feet first :) wishful thinking! but it makes sense they need to know if it has spread.  I think he must of taken biopsy in a few places... I didn't ask at the time but I am pretty sore so he must be doing Biopsy inside the Uterus and outside to check.  He seemed pretty worried so I am really hoping it is just in the uterus if it is. 

  • Morning, they should check the whole body. It's good you're used to having an MRI. I took one look at it and wanted to walk out. It's so intimidating.

    The CT scan was more manageable and a lot quicker. They do need the information from both these scans so they have the whole picture.

    All I knew about my biopsy was a sample was taken of my womb lining. The consultant checked my cervix but it was during my operation that samples were taken of my cervix (smear), and lymph nodes were checked/ tested during the hysterectomy. 

    What helped me during this time while waiting for results, was getting out of the house and long walks.

    I also listen to books which helped.

    And many people told me not to look at Dr Google.. best to stay away if you can.

    Of course, Cancer Research and NHS are good sources of information..

    Try to have a relaxing Sunday xx

  • Thank you so much.  You do not know how much you have helped.  I am going out today to get away from the house (and the internet) I agree it is best not to google.  I googled 5 months ago when the lining was recorded at 30mm to know what potentially that could mean.  If the results come back with cancer I think I will have some questions to ask as to why it was not fast tracked, if my GP had not chased it on the 28th June they would not of booked me in for the 18th of July two days later that I am sure.. I was treated as a low risk case by someone.  Yes CT scans are like photocopiers quick zip zip and done I love them! MRI is ALWAYS best in my opinion if you close your eyes before getting in and not re-open them til it's done.   I was having a very bad day yesterday but chatting to you has really helped. 

  • Hi Mandabee123 Sorry to hear about your long wait! I have had internal scan, hysteroscopy where a polyp was removed and biopsy done. I have a lining thickness of 20mm on one side mostly. I have been put on progesterone tablets and have also had an MRI (horrible!)  This has all been done within 3 weeks from going to my GP. Like you I am now just waiting. I live on my own and am very alone with my thoughts.
    Am trying to keep off Google too, as that always ends up with a bad prognosis! I have plenty of friends, but it’s interesting to see their reactions. Some are very willing to talk and listen; others I think, are unsure of what to say, or dive straight in with their own story about their friend/ Aunt/ Grandma who has had similar. I guess that’s human nature, but if I take one thing away from this, it’s to REALLY listen to people who are going through difficult times and not just respond by talking about your own experiences. Also the old phrase ‘let me know if there’s anything I can do’ is pretty unhelpful. Much better to say- come for lunch on Tuesday for example. 
    I realise I have now done to you exactly what I have said not to do… and talked about myself! I do hope you get some answers soon and that you can keep busy with going out and keeping off Dr. Google! Do keep in touch on here! X 

  • Thanks so much for your response and I know exactly how you feel.  I spoke to my Brother today who told me all about three of his friends who had cancer and it spread to their lymph nodes... helpful! :) it is good to get out of the house though it helps by not in your own head all day which happens at home.  I am more than happy to share and relate on here it is great support knowing we are all in the same boat.  I so wish I had known that this should of been fast tracked months ago but now we just have to deal with the results and what happens then and hope that delay has not made things harder... fingers crossed! (for all of us struggling with the wait right now). 

  • Regarding the wait, I would, at the very least, expect your doc / consultant to investigate the delay and for lessons to be learnt. But for now, and for you, just concentrate on yourself and the next steps.

    Please keep in touch x