Panicking about recall

I had the results of my mammogram yesterday and it says I have been recalled because the results are unclear. I can’t help thinking the worst. Does unclear mean they’ve seen something? Or does it actually mean they just can’t tell? My appointment is in 4 days and I’m driving myself crazy here. Any advice would be very welcome. Thank you.

  • Hi Huxley,

    A very warm welcome to our forum.

    I am sorry to hear of your distress following a recall after your mammogram. Was this your first one? More people get recalled after the first one, than any other. This is because there are no previous images to compare it to. Not all recalls end in a cancer diagnosis, but some do. It is impossible to tell, until you have further tests and you will drive yourself crazy if you try to double guess what the outcome is likely to be. I had to have further tests after my first mammogram, but fortunately all was clear.

    I know that 4 days seems like forever just now, but I'm glad to hear that you don't have too much longer to wait. Whatever you do, don't start googling, or you'll go down all sorts of rabbit holes, none of which will serve any purpose. Try to keep yourself occupied in the meantime - it doesn't matter whether it's with work or pleasure - anything to take your mind off the wait.

    I sincerely hope that it all turns out well in the end. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Thank you for the welcome. It is my second mammogram. First one was fine. I don’t have any symptoms and I can’t feel anything so it has come as a bit of a shock. I’m afraid I have done the Google thing, I know that I shouldn’t have, it just scared the living daylights out of me. The thought of biopsies is so scarey, I’m awful with needles and scared that it will hurt. I know I may not need them, really hope not. I think the speed of the appointment has worried me. I know that it’s a good thing but it makes me wonder if it’s more serious than the letter suggests. Sorry to be so pathetic but it’s been a bit of a year with family deaths and I think I’m just a bit off balance with it all. Thank you for taking the time to reply x

  • Hi Huxley,

    I am so sorry to hear that you have had some family deaths this year and can understand how this had heightened your anxiety.

    I had 2 bouts of breast cancer, 15 years ago and have had a number of biopsies. I can honestly say that they didn't hurt. Don't worry about getting the appointment so quickly. It is no indication of anything more serious. They try to make the appointments as soon as they can, as they appreciate how stressful this wait is. 

    Google doesn't do anyone any favours at this stage. There are many different types of breast cancer and it is better to wait until you know what you're dealing with.

    I am keeping my fingers crossed for good news.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx