Waiting times for biopsy results?

The waiting is agony and it's really affecting me. I'm waking up in a panic throughout the night.

How long do people wait for biopsy results?

  • I’m new here and wondering the same  I was referred for a mole on my foot under the 2ww. I was seen and the mole removed with 8 days of seeing the GP!

    That was 6 weeks ago when I was initially told it was a 4 week wait for results. I phoned the consultants secretary to enquire and she said she would try and get in contact with histology to find out what the delay is. I was hoping no news would be good news however she mentioned that delays like this could indicate it’s been undergoing further testing or being referred for a second opinion and that’s raised my anxiety level quite dramatically. 

    I hope we both get some results soon. ️

  • Hi Fairydust,

    A very warm welcome to our forum. Most of us would agree that waiting for results is one of the worst parts of our cancer journey. The early hours of the morning always seem to be the worst time for this. You do not say what type of cancer you have been tested for. This can have a bearing on how long you may have to wait. Another factor that affects waiting times can be how busy your hospital department is. On average, it takes from 1-3 weeks to get results for breast cancer and about 8 weeks for skin cancer.

    I sincerely hope that you hear something soon. Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • It is womb cancer. GP went from o to 1000 over 1 symptom I've had for years. Consultant seemed unconvinced but has now lied and said she told me the opposite to what she said in my consultant (underlying condition not the cancer element), hubby was witness and heard the same as me. But it has left me questioning her whole thoughts including the possible cancer. 

  • Hi LexyCee,

    You were extremely fortunate to be seen so quickly and I do hope that your results come through soon. Dermatology results always seem to take longer than most. My hubby had a lesion removed from his back 8 weeks ago. We were told that we should hear in 6-8 weeks, but haven't heard anything as yet.

    This is always a worrying time and waiting times can vary. Why not phone your consultant's secretary again and see if she has discovered a reason for the delay?

    Please keep in touch and let us know how you get on. We are always here for you.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx

  • Ty for your reply. I’m trying to be patient with the secretary as I know I’m not the only person waiting. I only phoned her yesterday so I’ll phone back next week if I hear nothing. 

    I was extremely lucky to be seen so quick. I found a “new” mole in lockdown 2020 right in the arch of my foot and I messaged the GP who told me just to keep an eye on it. As they didn’t seem too concerned then neither was I especially with the other pressing matters of 2020. lol. 

    Fast forward 4 years (I forgot about it and it’s under my foot) and I noticed it again, bigger, irregular and different colours  . 

    I sent an e consult to my GP with pictures and expected them to tell me I was silly. Nope 2ww referal. Then got an appt 8 days later. Expected the consultant to tell me I was silly but nope I was in theatre about 15 mins later.  . 

    It’s been a whirlwind tbh. I’m hoping it was just erring on the side of caution and trying to be positive  ️. But, the lack of answers is starting to worry me since I was told 4 weeks… (6 and counting). 

    I hope you get answers ASAP  , sending love xx

  • Hi LexyCee

    I'm slso waiting on biopsy results for a mole on the sole of my foot. 

    I also was told results would be 4-6 weeks and its now coming up to the 6 week mark. 

    I phoned the secretary who just guessed the results hadn't come back (as opposed to checking  on the system) and said she would email the doctor. That was a week ago and I've heard nothing since. 

    From what I've read on here and as already mentioned on this thread, skin cancer biopsies are more like 8 weeks. They really need to update their standard 4-6 weeks that they tell people to 6-8 weeks instead.

  • I've awaited 4 week's so far, seeing consultant tomorrow 

  • Yes the wait is aweful. Like you I am waiting. The initial wait for me was 2 weeks. But the test was inconclusive, and has been sent for further testing, which can be a further 2 to 3 weeks the doctor said.

  • Wow ty. Just seen this. I also phoned the secretary who told me it may have been sent for further tests or a second opinion and said she would phone me, a week later still nothing. 

    7 weeks coming up

  • Hi Lexy-Cee,

    We finally got my hubby's biopsy results in the post this morning. It has taken 9 weeks to get them.  He had a squamous Cell Carcinoma.

    Kind regards,

    Jolamine xx