Post menopausal bleeding

Hi ladies 

I would like some advice / re assurance if I can 

I’m 57 no periods for 2 years ish . Started having weird symptoms amount 2 weeks ago exactly like I did when I was ovulating then 2 weeks to the day after- wham ! A full blown period !! All the symptoms I used to have and feeling pretty *** ! 
spoke to my gp been reffered by fast track but have been told this is standard procedure 

any one else had this ? Can this just happen? Iv obviously googled it to death and made myself feel worse ! 

  • It’s all so worrying your mind goes crazy thinking all the things it could be just rest assured no matter what they find your on the right path to have something done sooner rather than later thinking of you all speak soon xx

  • I’m starting to think along these lines myself. You should have seen my face when he mentioned a 4th attempt!  But they gave me the impression that my case is quite insignificant - I mentioned hysterectomy but he said no, that’s not something which is to be considered at the moment and there are other options to get the biopsy. 

  • Yep! I’ve got a pretty unfriendly uterus - back in 2013 I had a coil which wouldn’t budge and had to have it removed whilst under GA. They couldn’t get another in and I was told that the entrance to my uterus had veered to the right although they did try to correct this. Unfortunately this isn’t written down anywhere so I find myself having to try to explain this at every appointment and they look at me like they don’t believe me … until they try! 

    Good luck with your MRI and don’t worry about the actual appointment - it’s fine ️

  • Apparently my uterus is tilted!! I mean who knew ??!! 
    im not worried about the actual mri it’s what they may see , I think if they offered a hysterectomy at this stage I would just take it ! I’m fed up of all the tests and uncertainty now , I have a couple of holidays to book for next year , but I won’t until I get the all clear ! ( just my mind going to the worse case scenarios) 

    I have absolutely no symptoms at all now so I think surely I would if I was ill ? 
    I am so surprised at how many women acutely go through this tho !! 

  • I know I was surprised too just how common it is considering I had never heard of any of this before 

  • Yes I have a tilted womb too. It is surprisingly common and I was always told it wouldn’t cause any issues but I beg to differ.  I needed a lot of help in childbirth and ended up having an emergency c-section with my second and now continuous failed attempts with hysteroscopies. 

    Do you know how long you are going to have to wait for your MRI? Mine happened very quickly - I had a phone call on Sunday night and had it done on Monday. 

  • Ooh I also have a tilted womb !! I have to have 2 c- sections one of those as an emergency bcus of this 

    I had waited 10 days , then they called me and it is this Monday coming  she said it was routine  that’s why have had to wait 

    been told the results are 4-6 weeks 

    im hoping to see a consultant after that cus I feel they are sending me from test to test with no consultations 

  • You really are being left hanging arnt you it’s not fair really they should be doing all this much quicker have you spoken to your gp or gynea dept at the hospital? 

  • I have spoken to the Gnea consultant secretary and she says this is within the time frame as they are actually still investigating ??? 
    my gp says he won’t it can’t get involved with hospital waiting times 

    my only thought is if  something sinister was found they would be chasing me alot quicker 

  • Yes, I know what you mean and I feel the same - hopefully no news is good news but it’s still nerve wracking!