Post menopausal bleeding

Hi ladies 

I would like some advice / re assurance if I can 

I’m 57 no periods for 2 years ish . Started having weird symptoms amount 2 weeks ago exactly like I did when I was ovulating then 2 weeks to the day after- wham ! A full blown period !! All the symptoms I used to have and feeling pretty *** ! 
spoke to my gp been reffered by fast track but have been told this is standard procedure 

any one else had this ? Can this just happen? Iv obviously googled it to death and made myself feel worse ! 

  • Hi I’m in the same boat haven’t had periods for 14 years was at work ( I work with all men so made it worse ) was just stood chatting no symptoms nothing then like a haemorrhage it was all down my legs nearly fell over with shock and pain but the pain passed quickly contacted my doctor and got fast tracked for an scan next Sunday I’ve googled to death and scared myself stupid I’m hoping that by replying to you I can also get some help or reassurance   

  • Oh you poor thing ! That puts have been awful for you , that’s quick for your scan ? Are you in the uk ? Iv been told to wait for a letter then call and book 

    Mine wasn’t sudden like yous it was  build up

    of symptoms and then a period which is still ongoing 

     horrible isn’t it ?b

  • Hello Baggieb, I hope you don’t mind me joining this conversation but your experience sounds just like mine. Can I ask how you have got on please?

  • Hi ladies had my scan then a camera and all was ok with that side of things after 14 years the periods are hard to handle am currently on my third now and they can’t seem to find any reason why have had lots of bloods done and yesterday had a full ct scan but according to genes doc this very rarely can happen but they covering all bases so just got to wait until week tomorrow for all the results to be collected together then I will know the answers for certain 

    I scared  myself stupid with worry reading the internet googling this and that bug now I’ve decided I don’t google anything no matter what they tell me I ask them for a ‘ dumb down ‘ explanation and stay satisfied with that I hope all your scans go well none of them hurt as much as googling them say so stay calm positive and true to yourselves xx

  • That does sound incredibly unusual - no wonder you were worried sick. I hope everything goes ok at your appointment next week and you finally get some answers.

  • Hiya , so I had external and internal scans said my womb lining was thick , had a hysteroscopy under GA , 3 weeks later I have a call saying I need an MRI bcus although what they took on the biopsy was normal , they didn’t get enough of the right cells so she wants an mri just incase she is missing anything  , so here I am waiting for the MRI and then a long wait for the results . 
    it’s such a nerve wracking time 

    I had 1 period and then another exactly 28 days later , but nothing since 

    what are your symptoms ?

  • I agree the waiting is very nerve wracking!

    I had a period at the beginning of July after being 2 years clear so I went to the GP and am now in the 2 week pathway system.  

    First came the scans which showed no major concern but my lining measured slightly high at 7mm with a polyp. 

    Unfortunately there have been 3 failed attempts at taking a biopsy including under GA - they just cannot get through my uterus!  So I was referred for a MRI which happened very quickly (Monday just gone). I’m hoping they got a good enough picture to help make a diagnosis and am now waiting. 

    After my procedure under GA last week I asked what next and was advised that they could attempt the hysteroscopy again but I’m not too keen as they made a false passage last week … luckily no infection has appeared. 

    I’m having some low level discomfort in the pelvis and back but that could be a stressy belly!

  • Not being funny but I’m guessing your not going to have anymore kids so I think I would be saying to them no more just give me a hysterectomy then test it if it is then the first stage is done with and if not then at least that worry is taken away I realise not everyone thinks like me but I’m a very just get on with it and do what needs to be done sort of person I do speak my mind which sometimes gets me into trouble lol but I think that’s the path I would take in your position x 

  • Omg 3 attempts ?  My word they told me they won’t try to do mine again they don’t want to anther biopsy if they don’t have too as in an invasive procedure so hence the mri

    they are kind of saying it’s going to be ok but I’m now panicking about the MRI