Dealing with the pre diagnosis wait

How do you deal with it? I've been to the GP who suspects I have skin cancer, the positive thing is guess is she thinks it's a stage 0 SCC which doesn't spread. I've now had photos taken by the local hospital which have been sent to the Dermatology dept at another hospital and am now waiting on them contacting me depending on the urgency. I've been told this will be at least a few weeks. I'm going on a big family holiday tomorrow which I couldn't really cancel and am confused as how to cope with this. My head is running away with me thinking the GP has got it wrong and I actually have melanoma and I won't be around much longer and it breaks my heart to look at my 6yo daughter who is excited about her holiday. Does anyone have any advice on how to deal with this because it's consuming me at the moment.

  • Hello Pnmn

    I'm sorry to hear that you're currently waiting for a referral appointment with the dermatology team for a suspected SCC. 

    We know that for many people this period of waiting and uncertainty can be really hard and it's natural to be anxious about the "but what if"s. 

    Keeping busy can help and hopefully being away on holiday will help the time to pass in a far more enjoyable way. 

    When you're home again, if it would help to talk things through with one of our nurses for some support and reassurance, you're welcome to call them on 0808 800 4040, Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. 

    I hope that you have a lovely time away with your daughter and the family. 

    Best wishes, 
    Cancer Chat moderator 

  • I am in the same position -suspected nodal melanoma, photos sent to dermatology dept but having googled this it has scared me to death and consumed me.  Feel sick and anxious whilst trying to hide worries from my children. I have just cancelled our family holiday as didnt want to delay the appointment given - just thinking the worst and so scared.  Just want the facts ... no advice but just to say from reading others on this website it is normal to feel this anxious.  

  • Crikey, sorry to hear that. Did the GP tell you what they suspected? Im on holiday at the moment as I couldn't really cancel, I actually phoned the Derm dept at the hospital and they said even if it was urgent the appt wouldn't be in by the time I'm back. Google is the worst and it's probably best not to look at it. The leision I have is just below my sock line and I'm constantly(obsessively) looking at it to see if it's healing and it's not much of a holiday tbh.