rectal bleeding again with abdominal pain 4 months after 4 small polyps removed, any idea?


4 month ago I underwent a colonoscopy and more than three polyps throughout the colon (right and left) about 3mm in size and all of them were serrated but I have not heard anything from the hospital yet.

Anyway, the rectal bleeding was there for a month before the procedure every time I go to the toilet and has stopped straight away after the colonoscopy for about 4 months but today the bleeding returns with vague abdominal pain like burning in the right and upper side of the abdomen.

I am 39 years old and I know that if there are more than three polyps detected throughout the colon so it is a matter of time before things become worse, but it will be a surprise for me if the polyps grow back or new polyps formed in such short time (4 months).

So I am here to find out if someone faces the same problem as me and also to share my little story.


  • Hi notsureyet84,

    I'm not sure if you have spoken to your doctor about this as of yet, but if not then do give them a call as they will be best placed to advise, and investigate further as needed.

    It sounds like you may also still be waiting to hear more from the hospital following the initial procedure. I hope that you hear from them soon - again, do chase as needed as it has been quite a while.

    My reply here will give your post a little boost so a few more people should see it, and so hopefully you'll get some more replies soon.

    Wishing you all the best,

    Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Update:

    The piopsy result were sent to my consultant a week after and was discharged immediately without being notified but the result was a surprise to me as the polyps were tiny I expected them benign but one of them is precancerous (right side colon).

    I contacted my GP who was reluctant to accept that the bleeding is from the colon but hemmoroids and gave me medications for it as he asked me if the blood bright and my answer is yes but when i looked for the red grades of blood i noticed it is not bright it is actually dark red and becoming more intense now than before the colonoscopy.

    My GP advised me to call him back if the bleeding does not stop or becomes worse so I am going to call him tomorrow and notify him the biopsy result as it has not been sent to him.

    I will keep you updated incase someone in similar position 

  • Thank you very much for your reply which encourages me to put an update about my situation.

  • Did you have to wait four months for the results? x

  • No, but they did not send it to me according to what I have been told>

    I called my GP about the result but it was not received then I called the Consultant's Secretary who confirmed that the result has been received but declined telling me the result so I did SAR request and got everything related to the colonoscopy.

    So if 2 weeks passed without being notified give them a call or even make a SAR request.


    I have been referred back to the hospital for the bleeding to be investigated but not 2WW referral as I had one 4 months ago. 

  • How long will the wait be? Out hospitals average is 18 weeks at the moment. Thanks for the advice I will contact them x

  • as it is not an urgent referral it will take months before i get an appointment to see the consultant but they advised me if the bleeding is heavy i go to the nearst A&E.

    Anyway, the bleeding is not yet severe or causing anemia.