Specialist appointment on Friday

Hello all

i have an appointment on Friday which is not long but how does anybody switch off or manage the wait. Is there mindfulness tricks trying not to think about it but keep googling for info and trying to reduce the odds of bad news in my head but keep getting negative thoughts Wife is great She is saying stick with the facts but not easy

  • Hello Rob100 and welcome to the forum.

    Waiting for an appointment and managing the anxiety that comes with it can be really tough. It's great that your wife is supportive and encouraging you to stick with the facts.

    One thing that might help is to try and focus on activities that keep you engaged and distracted, this could be anything from reading, watching a favourite show, or spending time with friends and family. Exercise, if you're able to, can also be a good way to relieve stress.

    There are other forum members here who know what you're going through, and I hope they'll join in shortly to share their experiences as talking to others who can understand can be incredibly helpful.

    Wishing you the best for your appointment on Friday,

    Renata, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi

    Thankyou for your time

    you are right stay busy and stay healthy positivity will help regardless

    Managing better today

    hope you are well and Thankyou for the support