Lump in groin and symptoms

Hello everyone, 

I hope this is the best place to leave this! I am currently going through an investigation following a lump in my groin. I have just had an ultrasound which is confirmed to be a lymph node but no further info really.

The doctor wants to do some blood tests and a chest x-ray as I have been having night sweats. I have had a lot of health stuff this year too like a skin keratosis which popped up out of nowhere and general fatigue. 

My night sweats are light though and I don't need to change the covers. Has anyone experienced anything like this? Does this sound like lymphoma?!

I am also worried as I have had a tattoo removal in the past (which I didn't finish fully as I got pregnant!) - could this somehow be affecting my lymph nodes?! 

Sorry I am a bit lost with it all and feeling quite anxious now...

Thank you 

  • Just to add the tattoo removal was 5 years or so ago! 

  • Hello mamaoftwo2121

    Haha snap ! On the name hehe

    So I'm in similar situation I've also got lump but on my shoulder/neck I've had bloods just come back low vitamin d 

    I've had 2 ultrasounds and all I heard was "thats lymph node"

    And was told I'll need mri as it's complex so like you no wiser to what it is..

    My MRI is next Sunday so it's long waiting game now...hope your OK keep your chin up .

    P.s I don't have night sweats to be honest not really had any symptoms I just happend to come across my lump when itching,  im a tired person anyways and when working plus kids surley it's the normal haha

    Hope you get answer try not to worry ,I'm all ears if you need chat/vent xxx

  • Thank you! I am so concerned about the effects of the tattoo removal and if it has caused the lump! :( I have a referral for biopsy but it's 2 months as non-urgent and potentially might not even get done as my blood work isn't too concerning...