M 31, Caucasian, in healthy shape and no history of cancer.
3 weeks ago I was woken up with horrible pain in my lower left abdominal region and lower back, doctors did bloods and urine, came back normal and they diagnosed it as IBS and gave me an ultrasound. Ultrasound came back normal on everything they could see. They couldn't see all of my pancreas but the head and mid section looked fine, although the tail was hidden from view. They also could not see my stomach and intestines and have requested a CT scan, which takes place in 2 days. Other organs such as liver, kidneys, bladder, spleen etc all looked fine under the ultrasound. I also have a stool sample and bloods to be done Monday.
After taking antibiotics the pain in the lower left region is gone however I have a strange pressure/discomfort in my upper left abdomen underneath the ribs. This sometimes travels to my lower left abdomen and when standing up for periods of time I get pain in my lower back also. Stool seems relatively normal aside from being ever so slightly lighter than normal and having ongoing issues with undigested bits of food in it (sweetcorn, peppers etc which I know can be normal) and this is why I don't think it's IBS related. Usually IBS sufferers tend to get diarrhea or constipation and get cramps do they not?
I have also had various muscle aches and have lost a kilo of weight despite not trying, although this could also be put down to me drinking less water the last week and also anxiety...
I suffer badly with anxiety, especially to do with health and am absolutely terrified that I have a pancreatic tumor in the tail of the pancreas. So much so I'm scared that even if it's there it'll be missed by the CT scan.
It's the unknown that's killing me, making me worry that it could be something sinister. To the point where I'm actively hoping it's a different, more treatable form of cancer, just anything but pancrea tic cancer
Someone please give me some insight, I beg