Colonoscopy results

With various symptoms and Fit score of 209, I was referred in for colonoscopy on the 2 week pathway, which I had a few months ago. However, I was extremely relieved to be given a diagnosis of Diverticular and not cancer. Since then , my symptoms have increased and none of these tie in with diagnosis that I was  given.  Could the diagnosis be wrong and what can I do to put my mind at ease ? 

  • every diagnosis can vary as each cancer in different parts of our body seems to have different diagnosis methods ..

    I suspected bowel cabler due to unusual bowel movements and had camera down my throat & up my rectum both showed no signs of cancer ..

    i than was suffering from regular wee which was diagnosed by my GP as potential prostate issues ( I was 48 years of age ) 

    I had blood tests which came back as normal and was told all clear for prostate cancer and was told to take tablets to help with prostrate but no cancer to worry about .

    within a week of results and GP final diagnosis which I thought all areas covered I was safe I showed blood in my urine which was not a small amount but 24 hours of pure red urine with blood clots to follow … 

    I returned to my GP and he now took a urine sample to see if urine infection was the cause a very quick dip test with instant results .

    this came back as normal so I was booked in for a cystoscopy which revealed numerous tumors large & small in the bladder area 

    after biopsy came back I was diagnosed with high grade bladder cancer non muscle invasive … 

    this is to show if you feel something is wrong ask GP to consider other options as sometimes they are simply looking in the wrong place and not using the correct tests to diagnose as bladder cancer does not show in blood tests or cemera in the wrong area ..

    if I had not showed blood there would be a big change my high grade bladder cancer would had spread beyond the muscle layer and spread to other areas making my diagnosis much worst even though not great to begin with hoping it was spotted in time to save my bladder .

    i was a light smoker but in general was in good health and only just turned 49 .. 

    have given up smoking and eating as healthy as possible to help my chance of keeping my bladder and avoiding a full or part cystectomy.

    i wish you all the best in diagnosis and hope you come back all clear as no one wants to actually find the worst case scenario but yes important to get diagnosed correctly just in case 

  • Offline in reply to Zion55

    Go back to your GP. Explain your symptoms. They do sometimes make mistakes. What were your symptoms and how have they worsened? This happened to my dad.

  • Mainly stomach cramps, bloating and pain mid upper abdomen and slight weight loss. Unsure if it is all of the worry over the past month? 

  • Thanks . Sorry to hear of your ordeal but good that it was hopefully caught at an early stage . Definitely the persistence paid off. Wishing you all the best. 

  • My dad’s symptom was chronic diarrhoea. Have you been suffering from that?

  •   . No - that is not an issue with me. Just the pain and cramps. How was your Dad diagnosed eventually? 

  • He had a colonoscopy and diverticulitis was diagnosed. The diarrhoea continued but we put it down to the diverticulitis. He developed a tumour on his neck which was a secondary. A scan revealed a tumour on his bowels. Because he was 91, he decided that he didn’t want any treatment. We don’t know if he misdiagnosed or whether the diverticulitis developed into cancer. It doesn’t seem that your symptoms are anything like his but if you’re worried, why not talk to GP or one of the Macmillan nurses on here.

  • Hi  . Going to see how things go over next week and if no better, make appointment with GP. Thanks 

  • Thank you .. not what I wanted to hear but yes catching the symptoms in time is very important for any cancer diagnosis.. Wishing you all the best and hope your GP gives you the all clear