I have a Colorectol/lower GI booked for Thursday following a positive Fit test. I have had lower back and stomach aches as well as diarrhea and constipation for 6 months. My bloods were fine accept for low vit D. I am really worried
I have a Colorectol/lower GI booked for Thursday following a positive Fit test. I have had lower back and stomach aches as well as diarrhea and constipation for 6 months. My bloods were fine accept for low vit D. I am really worried
As expected, the polyp(25mm) is cancerous.
Luckily, it appears to be well localised and able to be surgically removed without the need for a stoma.
There were a couple of issues found on the CT, meaning I've got to go back for an MRI so these can be looked at more closely.
Hopefully it will be as localised as they suspect, as then there will be no need for chemo either.
That's really positive that it is localised and you won't need a stoma or chemo.
Hope the others test come back soon.