I have a Colorectol/lower GI booked for Thursday following a positive Fit test. I have had lower back and stomach aches as well as diarrhea and constipation for 6 months. My bloods were fine accept for low vit D. I am really worried
I have a Colorectol/lower GI booked for Thursday following a positive Fit test. I have had lower back and stomach aches as well as diarrhea and constipation for 6 months. My bloods were fine accept for low vit D. I am really worried
Hope all goes well for Wednesday
Hi hope all is ok
it went very well found no cancer but I do have
Diverticulitisos pockets in my lower colon
have you had your results
That's really positive you don't have cancer. Sorry I am not sure what Diverticulitis is.
No I have not had any results back yet will let yiu know.
Hope your okay.
Hi all, had my colonoscopy on Wednesday; and you're right the prep is not good (Plenvu).
Unfortunately they found a large polyp (25mm) which had some very suspicious characteristics.
Biopsies taken, and a followup CT booked for Thursday as well as a blood test to check for protein markers.
The report did state "probable" cancer.
I am in a bit of an emotional mess, but "one day at a time" I suppose.
I am really sorry to hear this, It totally understandable how you are feeling it must be so hard to process the information. I will be thinking of you on Thursday.
Keep talking and keep us posted.
Hi how are you doing? Have you had any further results.
Keep in touch.
just going to my GP to discuss my results
how about your self
how are you keeping
do let me know
How did your appointment at the GP go?
I am okay ish just waiting for the letter to meet the consultant again and the results back.
CT and blood tests done; - just waiting now.
Morning hope you are keeping well
Went to my gp last week wasn’t very good he further put the frights up me
I think most of the time it’s the Dr that make us ill
they use the word cancer like it’s Just a cold regardless waiting for my biopsy results how about your self
Are you feeling better keep me posted speak soon