CA125 Increase again after removal of cyst, ovary & fallopian tube

Bit of a shock call 2 days ago. Quick overview:

Mum passed from ovarian cancer in 2005.

June 2022 had CA125 done which was 31 followed by scan which showed a cyst on right ovary but all normal however, GP requested repeat CA125 in 6 months.

January 2023 CA125 risen to 39

March 2023 scan showed right ovarian cyst had become haemorrhagic

May 2023 repeat scan. Cyst still haemorrhagic. CA125 repeated & risen to 87.

August 2023 - laparoscopic surgery - right ovarian cyst removed, right ovary removed, right fallopian tube removed

25/10/23 CA125 blood test repeated and returned to within normal range - 23

That brings us to today. Had repeat CA125 Wednesday (5 days ago) and GP called me 2 days ago to say it’s risen again to 113 so she’s putting me on the urgent suspected cancer list for a scan.

She said it could just be a cyst on the left ovary so I’m keeping everything crossed this is what it is.

Has anyone experienced similar? I’m genuinely shocked as I thought it would remain around 23 but to have risen again has taken me by surprise.

  • Hi AnxiousEm,

    Changes to your levels can occur sometimes so it's important to keep monitoring and investigating changes if they happen. Please try not to worry at this point, as this will only increase your anxiety rather than making you feel better. You'll know more once you've the results of the scan. I hope your next appointment goes ok and don't be afraid to ask questions as it's important to get the most out of appointments. If you have any questions about your results or need information you can call the Cancer Research UK information nurses on freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes,

    Moderator Anastasia