Endometriosis hyperplasia

I have had a second biopsy and it is worse.  The nurse is sending me for a scan.  I've not had a diagnosis yet but have already been sent cancer leaflets and had a call from a cancer nurse.  Why?  I've not even been diagnosed and they are talking of hysterectomy and chemo.  Are they hiding something?  I'm petrified. I've no symptoms at all.  I feel I'm being given a death sentence.

  • Hi Jay1968,

    I can understand how the uncertainty is making you think the worst, but please know that your medical team are doing their best to support and advise you. Don't be afraid to ask questions or share your concerns. For your next appointment it might help to write down any questions you have beforehand and take them with you. It's important that you feel informed and aware of what's going on as much as possible and this is a good way of being prepared and getting the most out of your time with the doctors.

    Best wishes to you,

    Moderator Anastasia

  • Oh my goodness I'm so sorry to read this. That's definitely not the right way of doing things as they surely would know it would cause you anxiety and distress. You poor thing. Can I ask what did the nurse ring you for?  I have just had a biopsy also as my womb lining is 13.3mm due to being left untreated since December when it was 9.3mm and a large polyp so very nervous of the results. I wish you all the best, truly!! X