My friend has been told he may have cancer. I'm so worried for him.

About a year ago I sent someone I know to check out a raised lump on his neck (only because that was how my dads cancer was diagnosed) My friend went and the gp said it was nothing to worry about!  Two weeks ago he went for a MRI scan on his back last week he had an appointment made for a scan of his liver. On Tuesday the GP called him to say he had a fracture on his spine T12 and a rupture L3 and he was told he would be referred for physio????! He had his scan yesterday Wednesday @09:05  and then rec’d a call from gp at 12:30 to say that he had “lymph nodes in his tummy that were enlarged and had to have blood tests urgently as it could be cancer”! I wonder if anyone has had similar we are both so very frightened now!

  • Hello Magi.G, 

    I am so sorry to hear about your friend going through urgent investigations. I can understand why you are both feeling frightened now as you are waiting to find out more. I hope that you will hear from other members of our community who have been through something similar. 

    I hope that he can have the blood tests quickly and that he will get the full results very soon. The long wait for definite answers can feel like a lifetime and I thought I would share with you helpful tips to help you cope while waiting for important news. 

    We're thinking of you and your friend during this anxious time and keep everything tightly crossed for him that it turns out to be nothing of concern. If you get a chance, do come back and let us know what you find out when he gets his results.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator

  • Hi Lucie,  thanks so much for your responce!  My friend had his blood tests yesterday am and consulted with the gp a little time later!  The gp has already referred him for urgent Referal but has told him that the lymph node they have seen on the ultrasound scan is over 5cm’s! This morning he has had a call from the urgent referral team who spent 30 mins on the phone asking him all sorts of questions some he would not repeat in front of me which is not helpful when you are trying to be supportive! He was told that he would receive an urgent appt in the next day or so! They said that his appt would take place! I will keep you updated and if anyone else can assist with my anxiety then feel free to pop a message on!  Thank you