Lung shadow and Haemoptysis

Hi everyone

i have had a productive cough for many years (15) following a nasty chest infection whilst living in Cyprus (Dr told me it was a bad bronchitis) He said I would have to live with the cough it caused which I have done for many years. About 3 months ago I coughed up a very small amount of blood streaked phlegm. I had symptoms of a virus prior to this. Followed 111 advice and saw my Dr, referred for x Ray which showed ‘lll defined area of opacification” in base of left lung. A follow up x Ray in 6 weeks showed no significant change but due to Haemoptysis now referred for Ct scan. 
I only found out about this via my NHS App, no phonecall from the Dr who I found out from calling the surgery had me down for a telephone consultation. I called the surgery and spoke to the receptionist, she said the Dr would not ring me as I had spoken to her. My partner was very upset and called the surgery as we both wanted to speak to the Dr to ask questions, receptionist said we couldn’t as she had explained what was happening. The phonecall to her was very rushed and she wasn’t reading my notes on screen properly.

Needless to say I am very worried and feel very let down by the Drs. I know they are all busy but I just wanted a little reassurance. Feeling very depressed and anxious.

  • By the way, I have never smoked in my life….

  • Hello Rooster, 

    You did well to follow 111 advice and see your doctor when you noticed you had coughed up some blood and it's good that they referred you for an X-Ray and are investigating the haemoptysis and they have referred you to a CT scan. How frustrating though that you found out only via the NHS App - it sounds like communication could really have been improved there. It is rather strange that you didn't get a telephone consultation with your doctor and that the receptionist didn't explain things properly and you felt rushed. I think you deserve to speak to a doctor if you can so if I were you, I would call the surgery again or go there in person and try and talk to a different receptionist and ask that you have questions to ask the doctor that would require their knowledge and expertise so that you understand what the next steps might be. It may be that if you try ringing again and speak to a different receptionist you might be luckier and get to talk to a doctor. Do mention that this is making you feel depressed and anxious and that you very much feel you need to talk to your GP. 

    I hope you manage to get through to someone who can take time to explain things to you properly. Sometimes even a change of receptionist can help you get the reassurance you need at the moment. Fingers crossed too you won't need to wait too long for your CT scan - in the meantime I thought I would share with you our tips to help you cope while waiting for important news.

    Best wishes, 

    Lucie, Cancer Chat Moderator